the front in the - minus position. This position should be
maintained whenever the second stage is used as an
octopus for a safe second stage.
At the beginning of the dive, the diver should push the
Venturi lever in the + / plus position, to obtain optimum
breathing characteristics. The + / plus position is the "dive
mode" position.
This knob, located on the left hand side of the VX 200
Iceberg hosing, allows to adjust the r esistance on the VX
200 Iceberg spring and ther eby to alter the initial br ea-
thing resistance. The diver can choose any position bet -
ween the minimum (tur ned completely counter clock
wise) and the maximum (tur ned completely clock wise)
depending on the conditions. tur ning the knob clockwise
will increase the inhalation r esistance, turning it counter
clockwise will decr ease the inhalation r esistance. When
the inhalation resistance knob is in the minimum position,
there may be a light fr ee flow. If this is the case, slightly
turn the knob clockwise until the air flow stops. Or have
your regulator checked by an authorized BEUCHAT dealer.
VX 200 Iceberg / User guide
Note :
• The V200 first stage 3/8" LP ports can accommodate
the safe second stage octopus and the buoyancy com-
pensator LP hose and / or drysuit inflator hose.
• On the 7/16" HP port, install a pressure gauge to check
air supply during the dive.
• A 3300 psi DIN or 4400 psi DIN connection kit can be
installed on the V200 first stage by a BEUCHA T authori-
zed dealer.
• A 3300 psi DIN to yoke adapter is available under r ef.
#16740 to allow the mounting and the use of a DIN r e gu-
lator on a standard K-valve cylinder.
Use of regulators in water temperature colder than 50 F /
10° C, requires special equipment and precautions.
Only the VR T30 "Cold type", VR T80 Evolution, VX10
Iceberg, VX200 Iceberg, VR200 Soft T
Evolution et VR200 Iceberg should be used in cold water
1. Make sure that your air supply meet the EN 12021 qua-
lity norm requirements.
> 49
ouch, VR200