Assemble the mustard rod, ensuring that all
springs are completely fastened. Parts include:
- Mustard rod (a)
- Mustard piston return spring (b)
- Cylinder (c)
- Check valve (d)
- Conical check valve spring (e)
Place both the ketchup and mustard rods into
the cannister. The ketchup rod goes to the
back of the cannister (handle side) and the
mustard rod to the front.
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Attach the manifold
to the cannister.
Ensure that
manifold locks into
place and the two
rings of the
manifold are
Assemble the ketchup rod, ensuring that all
springs are completely fastened. Parts include:
- Ketchup rod (a)
- Piston slide (b)
- Piston ring (c)
- Conical ketchup spring (d)
- Ketchup cylinder (e)
- Check valve (f)
- Conical check valve spring (g)
First insert the ketchup lever into the cannister and
connect to rod assembly. Attach the mustard cam to the
mustard rod and then insert the lever. Now, attach the
rod with cam to the lever.
Using the tethers,
attach the two lids
onto the cannister.
355 E. Kehoe Blvd.
Carol Stream, IL 60188 USA