Major components
Other Checks:
Check the clutch cable for kinks or signs of wear that could
cause sticking or failure. Lubricate the clutch cable with a
commercially available cable lubricant to prevent premature
wear and corrosion.
Fuel Valve
The three way fuel valve (l)is located on the left and down of
1. Fuel valve
the fuel tank.
With the fuel valve in the OFF position, fuel cannot flow from the tank to the carburettor.
Turn the valve OFF whenever the motorcycle is not in use.
With the fuel valve in the ON position, fuel will flow from the main fuel supply to the car-
With the fuel valve in the RES position, fuel will flow from the reserve fuel supply to the car-
burettor. Use the reserve fuel only when the main supply is gone. Refill the tank as soon as
possible after seitching to RES.
Remember to check that the fuel valve is in the ON position each time you refuel. IF the val-
ve is left in the RES position, you may run out of fuel with no reserve.