Identify the camera installation point and proceed as follows:
Drill holes according to the type of wall (cement, wood, etc.) and the fastening devices used.
Fasten the connection box to the wall, making sure that the wire grommets are facing downwards.
Open the Power Box by unscrewing the four screws on the cover corners.
Insert in the wire grommets all the cables needed for the correct operation of the camera. For outdoor
installations, close hermetically the wire grommets, in order to maintain the IP protection grade.
Don't supply the Power Box before the end of the installation
Connect the mains power supply to the dedicated terminal pins, but do not power the Power Box until the
installation is completed.
Connect the RS485 serial line to AA BB terminal pins.
Conncet the cables of the alarm sensors to A1-A8 terminals of the 1092/709 alarm boar (see instruction on the
manual of the 1092/708 Power Box)
Connect the alarm sensors cables to the alarm input terminal pins 1 and 8 (for details, see the manual of
Power Box 1092/708).
Connect the video cable from the video device in use (DVR, monitor, etc.) to the female BNC connector placed
inside the box, taking care to put the rubber sheath for the protection of the metallic parts, in order to avoid that
these ones make electrical contact with internal electronic parts.
Configure the different Power Box dip-switches (for details, see the manual of Power Box 1092/708).
Close again the Power Box with the screws previously removed to open it.
Make connections, by plugging the cable dedicated to the Poweer Box to thecable coming from the housing.
Pass the connection cable in the bracket, until it comes out from the opposite side
Fasten the bracket to the dome screwing the 3 screws at the end of the bracket (as in the wall installation of the
previous paragraph)
Connect the cable coming from the bracket to the Power Box and fasten the bracket the Power Box
LBT 20137A