TIMING LIGHT ___________________________________________________________________________
4.4 -
Voltage drop measure at the starting
Press the TESTS (6) button to switch the DWELL reading to the volt/peak volt
reading; the Dwell led (5) turns off while the Volt led (7) turns on thus
indicating that the Volt/Peak volt display has been enabled.
Connect the red clamp (16) of the volt cable to the battery positive pole.
Disconnect the wire of the contact breaker (coil) in order to avoid the starting of
the engine.
Try to start the engine for about 10 sec. and read on the display the voltage drop.
The value for 12 V system must not results under 9.6 Volts. A too low voltage means:
A discharged or faultly battery.
An excessive absorption of the starting motor.
4.5 -
Recharge system measurement
Press the TESTS (6) button to switch the DWELL reading to the volt/peak volt
reading; the Dwell led (5) turns off while the Volt led (7) turns on thus
indicating that the Volt/Peak volt display has been enabled.
Connect the red clamp (16) of the volt cable to the battery positive pole.
Start the engine and run it to a rating of about 3000 r.p.m.
Read the recharge voltage of the dynamo or alternator (generator).
By keeping for a few minutes the indicated r.p.m. rating you can see the correct
working of the regulator, whenever the voltage of the battery increases.
Switch on devices (such as light, windscreen, wiper, heating motor etc..) and
check the holding of the values.
Approximate values of the recharge voltage:
12 V system: 13.8 ÷ 15.2 Volt.