Other conditions may require imminent service but may not render the unit immediately
unusable, examples are:
Faded paint
Slightly weathered rubber isolators
Faded, hard to read RO S label
Heavily soiled operator restraint
Slightly corroded mounting hardware
RO S must be inspected immediately after any type of collision, rollover or impact. If any
damage is evident, the RO S must be removed from service, repaired and/or replaced.
When a RO S is removed or reinstalled, mounting hardware must be examined for signs of
over stressing. Damaged mounting hardware must be replaced with proper specification
hardware before placing the RO S back in service.
Operators are to be instructed to properly adjust and use restraints at all times.
o not repair, modify, or add attachments to ROPS unless authorized in writing by the
Seat belt. The presence and operability of a seat belt should be noted. The belt should be
clean, free of dirt and grease, and the latch should function smoothly. The structure
should be inspected following a roll over, collision, or fire.