Questo manuale fornisce informazioni importanti per tutte le
persone che si occupano della sicurezza dell'installazione, del
funzionamento e dell'appropriata manutenzione di questo
prodotto. Anche se ritenete di avere confidenza con queste o
simili attrezzature, vi suggeriamo comunque di leggere questo
manuale prima di mettere in funzione il posizionatore.
Pericolo, Avvertenza, Attenzione e Avviso
In questo manuale sono descritti passaggi e procedure che, se
non osservati correttamente, possono risultare pericolosi. Per
identificare il livello del potenziale rischio vengono usati i
seguenti termini di avvertimento.
Questa parola avverte della presenza di
una situazione di pericolosità imminente
che, se non evitata, può provocare il
ferimento o, addirittura, la morte delle
persone coinvolte.
Questa parola avverte della presenza di
una situazione potenzialmente
pericolosa che, se non evitata, può
provocare il ferimento o, addirittura, la
morte delle persone coinvolte.
Indica una potenziale situazione di
pericolo che, se non evitata, potrebbe
causare lesioni minori o moderate o
danni alle cose.
Indica informazioni o una politica
aziendale correlate direttamente o
indirettamente con la sicurezza del
personale o la protezione delle cose.
Riepilogo sulle informazioni di sicurezza
• Non usare questo posizionatore o eventuali
apparecchiature collegate per sollevare, sostenere o
trasportare persone o per sollevare o sostenere carichi
sopra le persone.
• Le strutture di supporto e i dispositivi di attacco del carico
utilizzati congiuntamente a queste unità devono fornire
un fattore di sicurezza di almeno tre volte la capacità
nominale dell'unità.
• Lifting equipment is subject to different regulations in
each country. These regulations may not be specified in
this manual.
The National Safety Council, Accident Prevention Manual for
Industrial Operations, Eighth Edition and other recognized safety
sources make a common point: Employees who work near
suspended loads or assist in hooking on or arranging a load
should be instructed to keep out from under the load. From a
safety standpoint, one factor is paramount: conduct all lifting
operations in such a manner that if there were an equipment
failure, no personnel would be injured. This means keep out from
under a raised load and keep out of the line of force of any load.
The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 generally places
the burden of compliance with the owner/employer, not the
manufacturer. Many OSHA requirements are not concerned or
connected with the manufactured product but are, rather,
associated with the final installation. It is the owner's and user's
responsibility to determine the suitability of a product for any
particular use. It is recommended that all applicable industry,
trade association, federal, state, and local regulations be checked.
Read all operating instructions and warnings before operation.
Rigging: It is the responsibility of the operator to exercise caution,
use common sense and be familiar with proper rigging techniques.
Refer to ASME B30.9 for rigging information, American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, Three Park Ave, New York, NY 10016.
This manual has been produced by Ingersoll Rand to provide
dealers, mechanics, operators and company personnel with the
information required to install, operate, maintain and repair the
products described herein. It is extremely important that
mechanics and operators be familiar with the servicing
procedures of these products, or like or similar products, and are
physically capable of conducting the procedures. These
personnel shall have a general working knowledge that includes:
1. Proper and safe use and application of mechanics common
2. Safety procedures, precautions and work habits established
Ingersoll Rand cannot know of, or provide all the procedures by
which product operations or repairs may be conducted and the
hazards and/or results of each method. If operation or
maintenance procedures not specifically recommended by the
manufacturer are conducted, it must be ensured that product
safety is not endangered by the actions taken. If unsure of an
operation or maintenance procedure or step, personnel should
place the product in a safe condition and contact supervisors
and/or the factory for technical assistance.
• Balancers with capacities of 150 lbs or (68 kg) greater are
equipped with the Z-Brake, a centrifugal brake that is
designed to stop the uncontrolled upward travel of the
wire rope in the event of a sudden release or loss of load,
and limit the excessive upward acceleration of the empty
hook for the safety of the operators. The brake must not
be used as a travel limiting stop or up stop. Failure to
follow these instructions will result in damage to the brake
and the balancer. Continuous use of the Z-Brake will cause
internal damage to the balancer and could result in
damaging the balancer beyond repair.
Correct installation and operation of the balancer depends on
you reading all instructions before starting work on the balancer.
• Clean, dry air must be used at all times when operating
hands tools as well as special Ingersoll Rand or
recommended tools.
by accepted industry standards.