WEG CF W501 V1.8X Referencia Rápida página 23

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Fault / Alarm
Motor overload alarm.
Motor overload
Overload alarm on the power pack
IGBT overload
with IGBTs.
Overtemperature alarm from the power
Power module
module temperature sensor (NTC).
External alarm via DIx (option "Without
External alarm
External Alarm" in P0263 to P0270).
Alarm that indicates serial
Telegram reception
communication fault. It indicates the
equipment stopped receiving valid
serial telegrams for a period longer
than the setting in P0314.
Alarm that indicates the short cycle
Protection Against
protection occurred.
Short Cycles
No communication with remote HMI,
but there is no speed command or
fault with remote
reference for this source.
This failure occurs when there is a
Inverter disabled
SoftPLC movement block (REF block)
active and the "General Enable"
command is disabled.
It occurs when 2 or more SoftPLC
Two movem.
movement blocks (REF Block) are
enabled at the same time.
This failure occurs when a SoftPLC
Refer. Not Progr.
movement block is enabled and the
speed reference is not programmed for
the SoftPLC.
It occurs when you try to download to
SPLC Progr. Bigger
the inverter a SoftPLC Program that is
than 8 KB
too large (larger than 8 KB).
Alarm that indicates an analog input
Program AIx for
was not programmed for the process
Process Variable of
variable of the main PID controller.
Main PID Controller
Alarm that indicates a digital input
Program DIx for
was not programmed for automatic
Automatic / Manual
/ manual selection of the main PID
Selection of the
Main PID Controller
Alarm that indicates the origin of the
Program LOCAL
speed reference in LOCAL mode was
Reference (P0221)
not programmed for SoftPLC.
for SoftPLC
Alarm that indicates the origin of the
Program REMOTE
speed reference in REMOTE mode was
Reference (P0222)
not programmed for SoftPLC.
for SoftPLC
Quick Parameter Reference, Faults and Alarms
Possible Causes
Settings of P0156, P0157, and P0158 are too low for
the used motor.
Overload on the motor shaft.
Inverter output overcurrent.
High ambient temperature around the inverter (>50 °C
(> 122 °F)) and high output current.
Blocked or defective fan.
Heatsink is too dirty, preventing the air flow.
Wiring on DI1 to DI8 inputs are open or have poor
Check network installation, broken cable or fault/
poor contact on the connections with the network,
Ensure the master always sends telegrams to the
equipment in a time shorter than the setting in P0314.
Disable this function in P0314.
The STAR command occurred during the time count
defined by P0587.
The STOP command occurred during the time count
defined by P0586.
Check if the communication interface with the HMI is
properly configured in parameter P0312.
HMI cable disconnected.
Check if the drive general enable command is active.
Check the user's program logic.
Check the programming of the references in the local
and/or remote mode (P0221 and P0222).
Extension of the SoftPLC Prog. exceeded 8 KBytes.
Parameter P0231 or P0236 was not programmed
for 5 or 6.
Parameter P0263 or P0264 or P0265 or P0266 was
not programmed for 20.
Main PID controller is enabled (P1017 in 1 or 2)
and the CFW501 frequency inverter is running the
motor in LOCAL mode and parameter P0221 is not
programmed for 7.
Main PID controller is enabled (P1017 in 1 or 2) and
the CFW501 frequency inverter is running the motor
in REMOTE mode and parameter P0222 is not
programmed for 7.
CFW501 | 21