Be a responsible owner.
As the owner of the vehicle, you are re-
sponsible for its safe and correct oper-
Motorcycles are vehicles with two
wheels in line.
Their safe use and operation depend on
using correct riding techniques and the
experience of the rider.
Each rider must be aware of the follow-
ing requirements before using this mo-
The rider must:
• Meet all of the legal requirements cur-
rently in force (licence or provisional li-
cence, number plate, registrations).
• Receive full information from a compe-
tent source concerning all of the motor-
cycle's operating aspects.
• Respect all of the warnings and instruc-
tions for maintenance in this use and
maintenance manual.
• Receive suitable, qualified training about
safe and correct riding techniques.
• Request professional, technical assis-
tance according to that stated in the Use
and Maintenance Manual and/or made
necessary by mechanical conditions.
Carry out all of the necessary checks be-
fore use each time you use the vehicle,
to make sure that it is able to operate in
Failure to carry out inspections or the
correct maintenance of the vehicle will
increase the chances vehicle damage.
This motorcycle has been designed to
carry the driver and one passenger.
The main cause of accidents between
motorcycles and cars is that car drivers
cannot see or identify motor cyclists in
trafic. Many accidents are caused by
cars drivers who did not see the motor-
Make sure you are properly visible, as
this has an excellent effect on the possi-
bility of these types of accident.
• IWear a brightly-coloured jacket.
• Be very careful when approaching and
crossing at crossing points, as these
are the sites of most frequent motor-
cycle accidents.
• Travel where other road users can see
you. Do not travel in the shadow of an-
other vehicle. Many accidents involve
inexperienced riders. Many riders in-
volved in accidents do not have a valid
motorcycle licence.
Make sure that you are qualified and
only lend your motorcycle to other ex-
pert riders.
• Be aware of your capabilities and lim-
its. Stay within your limits as this will
help to avoid accidents.
• We advise you to practise on the mo-
torbike in areas without traffic until you
have become more experienced with
both the motorcycle and its controls.
Many accidents are the results of rider
errors when manoeuvring.
A typical error is taking bends too wide or
too fast, or even with insuficient inclina-
tion compared to travel speed.