The DAPS semi−rotary drive can be fitted with or without a mounting bridge.
If there are high medium temperatures in the tubing and in the processing valve:
Use a mounting bridge and also a heat−insulated coupling extension.
Mechanical installation
In order to fit the DAPS semi−rotary drive, set the switching shaft of the proces
sing valve so that the desired working method for opening and closing the
processing valve is implemented.
Note that a processing valve with butterfly valve can only be opened in one
direction and closed in the opposite direction.
Fitting the semi−rotary drive without a mounting bridge
1. Place the semi−rotary drive on the switch
ing shaft of the processing valve. Make
sure here that the square of the processing
valve sits in the star−shaped coupling of the
semi−rotary drive without being tilted.
2. Fasten the semi−rotary drive with 4 cor
rosion−resistant screws and spring rings
(material: VA) to the connecting flange of
the processing valve.
3. Tighten all the screws in diagonally oppo
site sequence. Tightening torque: 5 Nm.
4. Continud on page 25 with point 6.
Festo DAPS−... 0606a English
Fig. 6