Craftsman 247.889571 Manual Del Propieratio página 4

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Safe Handling of Gasoline
Toavoidpersonalinjuryor propertydamageuseextremecare in
handlinggasoline.Gasolineis extremelyflammableand the vaporsare
explosive.Seriouspersonalinjurycan occurwhengasolineis spilled
on yourselfor yourclotheswhichcan ignite.Washyour skin and
Useonly an approvedgasolinecontainer.
Extinguishall cigarettes,cigars,pipesand other sources
of ignition.
Neverremovegas capor add fuel whilethe engineis hot
or running.
Allowengine to coolat leasttwo minutesbeforerefueling.
Neveroverfill fueltank. Filltank to no morethan1/2 inch
belowbottomof filler neckto providespacefor fuel
Replacegasolinecap and tightensecurely.
If gasolineis spilled,wipeit off the engineand equipment.
Movemachineto anotherarea.Wait5 minutesbefore
startingthe engine.
Neverstorethe machineor fuel containerinsidewhere
thereis an open flame,sparkor pilotlight (e.g.furnace,
waterheater,space heater,clothesdryer etc.).
Allowmachineto cool at least5 minutesbeforestoring.
Neverfill containersinsidea vehicleor on a truckor trailer
bed with a plasticliner.Alwaysplacecontainerson the
groundawayfromyourvehicle beforefilling.
If possible,removegas-powered equipmentfrom thetruck
or trailerand refuelit on the ground.If this is not possible,
then refuelsuch equipmenton a trailerwith a portable
container,ratherthan from a gasolinedispensernozzle.
Keepthe nozzlein contactwith the rimof the fueltank or
containeropeningat all timesuntil fuelingis complete.Do
notuse a nozzlelock-opendevice.
Do not puthandsor feet near rotatingparts,in the auger/impeller
housingor chuteassembly.Contactwith the rotatingpartscan
amputatehandsand feet.
Theauger/impeller control leveris a safetydevice.Neverbypass
its operation.Doingso makesthe machineunsafeand may cause
Thecontrol leversmustoperateeasilyin bothdirectionsand
automaticallyreturnto the disengagedpositionwhenreleased.
Neveroperatewith a missingor damagedchuteassembly.Keep
all safetydevicesin placeand working.
Neverrun an engine indoorsor in a poorlyventilatedarea. Engine
exhaustcontainscarbonmonoxide,an odorlessand deadlygas.
Do notoperatemachinewhileunder the influenceof alcoholor
Mufflerand engine becomehotand can causea burn.Do not
Exerciseextremecautionwhenoperatingon or crossinggravel
surfaces.Stay alertfor hidden hazardsor traffic.
Exercisecautionwhenchangingdirectionand whileoperatingon
slopes.Do notoperateon steep slopes.
Planyoursnow-throwing patternto avoiddischargetowards
windows,walls,cars etc. Thus,avoidingpossibleproperty
damageor personalinjurycausedby a ricochet.
Neverdirect dischargeat children,bystanders and petsor allow
anyonein front of the machine.
Donot overloadmachinecapacityby attemptingto clearsnowat
too fastof a rate.
Neveroperatethis machinewithoutgoodvisibility or light. Always
be sureof yourfootingand keepa firm hold on the handles.Walk,
Disengage powerto theauger/impellerwhentransportingor not
in use.
Neveroperatemachineat high transportspeedson slippery
surfaces.Lookdownand behindand usecare whenbackingup.
If the machineshouldstart to vibrateabnormally, s top the engine,
disconnectthe spark plugwire and groundit againstthe engine.
Inspectthoroughlyfor damage.Repairanydamagebefore
startingand operating.
Disengage all controlleversand stop enginebeforeyouleave
the operatingposition(behindthe handles).Wait untilthe auger/
impellercomesto a completestop beforeuncloggingthechute
assembly,makingany adjustments, o r inspections.
Neverput yourhand in the dischargeor collectoropenings.Do
not unclogchuteassemblywhileengineis running.Shutoff
engineand remainbehindhandlesuntilall movingparts have
Useonly attachments and accessoriesapprovedby the manufac-
turer (e.g.wheelweights,tire chains,cabsetc.).
Whenstartingengine,pull cord slowlyuntilresistanceis felt, then
pull rapidly.Rapidretractionof startercord(kickback)will pull
hand and armtowardenginefasterthan youcan let go. Broken
bones,fractures,bruisesor sprainscould result.
If situationsoccur whichare notcoveredin this manual,use care
and good judgment.
Forin-warrantysafety,operationor maintenance questions,or to
order parts and scheduleservice,call 1-800-4-MY-HOME.
Handcontactwith the rotatingimpellerinsidethe dischargechute
is the mostcommoncauseof injuryassociatedwith snowthrowers.
Neveruse yourhand to cleanout thedischargechute.
Toclear thechute:
Wait 10secondsto be surethe impellerbladeshavestopped
Alwaysusea clean-outtool, not yourhands.
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