Catalizador Scr - Scania DC16 XPI Manual Del Operador

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Catalizador SCR

The SCR catalytic converter contains vanadium
pentoxide, a chemical known to the State of Cal-
ifornia to cause cancer.
The SCR catalytic converter is fitted in the si-
lencer and does not constitute a health hazard
during normal use and handling.
When carrying out work on the SCR catalytic
converter which may result in exposure to dust,
safety precautions must be taken. Such work in-
cludes, for example, opening the silencer ma-
chining and scrapping the SCR catalytic
Safety precautions when working on the SCR
• Inhalation: If dust is inhaled, the person
should be provided with fresh air immediate-
ly. Seek medical attention.
• Eye contact: Rinse eyes with water immedi-
ately. If irritation persists, seek medical atten-
• Skin contact: Wash with water and soap. Re-
move contaminated clothes.
• Ingestion: If large amounts have been ingest-
ed, drink plenty of water and induce vomit-
ing. Seek medical attention.
Environmental hazards
• Vanadium pentoxide is toxic to water organ-
isms and can cause detrimental long term ef-
fects to water environment.
OPM 300 es-ES
Environmental protection measures
• The SCR catalytic converter is a manufac-
tured article that contains vanadium pentox-
ide, a hazardous substance. Before disposing
of, or scrapping, a spent SCR catalytic con-
verter, it should be tested for any hazardous
characteristics (ignitability, corrosivity, reac-
tivity, acute hazardousness, and toxicity), as
those categories are described in 22 CCR §
66261.30. If the spent SCR catalytic convert-
er exhibits hazardous characteristics and is
being disposed of, it will be considered by the
State of California to be a hazardous waste
subject to Title 22, California Code of Regu-
lations. Before disposing of hazardous waste,
review and follow all pertinent federal and
California requirements.
• Vanadium pentoxide is a listed commercial
chemical product - P120 - pursuant to 22
CCR § 66261.33(e). According to the State of
California, commercial chemical products
that are discarded or intended to be discarded
are hazardous wastes and are subject to all
provisions of Title 22, California Code of
Regulations. Before disposing of vanadium
pentoxide, review and follow all pertinent
federal and California requirements.
• If the SCR catalytic converter is opened for
maintenance, any dust spillages from the cat-
alyst should be collected and tested for the
presence of vanadium pentoxide prior to
proper disposal. Dust spillages should also be
tested for any hazardous characteristics (ig-
nitability, corrosivity, reactivity, acute haz-
ardousness, and toxicity), as those categories
are described in 22 CCR § 66261.30, prior to
proper disposal. If the dust contains either va-
nadium pentoxide or exhibits hazardous char-
acteristics and is being disposed of, it will be
considered by the State of California to be a
hazardous waste subject to Title 22, Califor-
nia Code of Regulations. Before disposing of
hazardous waste, review and follow all perti-
nent federal and California requirements.
Scania CV AB 2019, Sweden
Catalizador SCR

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