Danger of fatal injury due to kickback!
Kickback can lead to fatal injuries!
Take measures to avoid kickback.
C utting converted tim ber
Bear the following points in mind during this work:
Use a secure cutting surface (sawing trestle,
wedges, beams).
Make sure you are standing securely and that
your bodyweight is evenly distributed.
Secure logs to prevent them twisting.
M alfunction
Motor does not run
No chain lubrication
In the case of faults that are not listed in this table, or faults that you cannot rectify without
assistance, please contact our customer service department.
Possible cause
No mains power
Motor protection switch has swit-
ched off
Chain brake tripped
Oil tank empty
Chain bar contaminated
W orking behaviour and w orking technique
Only start the cut once the saw chain is run-
ning, never switch on the machine with the
saw chain already in the kerf.
Do not secure the wood with your foot and do
not get another person to hold it.
Do not dispose o f old
equipm ent,batteries o r accum ulators
as householdw aste!
Product, packaging, and accessories
were made with recyclable materials, and
should be disposed of accordingly.
Check the extension cable, use a
new one if necessary.
Check fuses / RCCB.
Have the power supply checked by
a qualified electrician.
Wait until the motor protection
switch switches the chain saw
back on.
Unlock the chain brake.
Check the oil tank for damage.
Check the oil level and top up with
saw chain oil if necessary.
Clean the oil entry hole and oil
guide groove.
EKS 2000/35 / EKI 2200/40 / EKS 2400/40