The re are no use r-se rviceable parts inside the de vice .
Re fe r to an authorized deale r for se rvice and/or spare
General Guidelines
Re fe r to the Velleman® Se rvice a nd Qua lity Warra nty on the last
page s of this manual.
• Fam iliarise yourse lf with the functions of the de vice before actually
using it.
• All modifications of the de vice are forbidde n for safe ty reasons.
Dam age caused by use r modifications to the de vice is not cove red
by the warranty.
• O nly use the de vice for its intende d purpose . Using the de vice in
an unauthorised way will void the warranty.
• Dam age caused by disregard of ce rtain guide lines in this manual
is not cove re d by the warranty and the deale r will not acce pt
re sponsibility for any ensuing defe cts or proble ms.
• Do not use outside the te chnical spe cifications as me ntioned at
the end of this use r m anual.
• It is re comme nde d to use a lightning prote ction system , or to
unplug the came ra powe r supply in thunde rstorm conditions.
• DO NO T use this product to violate privacy laws or pe rform othe r
illegal activities.
• Ke ep this manual for future refe re nce.
V. 01 – 14/04/2014
Indoor use only. Ke ep this de vice away from
rain, moisture , splashing and dripping liquids.
Prote ct this de vice from shock s and abuse . Avoid
brute force whe n ope rating the de vice .
©Ve lleman nv