If more than one websling is used for the lifting process, they
must all be identical.
Uneven elongation of the webslings poses a danger of tilting
the load.
With symmetrical load distribution, equal sling lengths and equal
angles according to LOLER for a 4 leg sling, only 3 legs are con-
sidered to bear the load.
With asymmetrical load distribution and/or unequal angles, with 2
leg slings, only one leg can be considered load-bearing, and with 3
or 4 leg slings only 2 legs, only two straps can be considered load-bearing.
If webslings are used in pairs, use of a spreader beam is recom-
mended, so that the load is distributed evenl
3.3 VarioWeb websling shortener
VarioWeb offers continuous length adjustment of multi-leg slings. For this, Va-
rioWeb is easily integrated into the multi-leg sling's individual slings. Then the
length of the sling can be flexibly adjusted to the load and its special geometry.
1. Flip the clamp rightward to release the harness
2. Adjust the websling by sliding lengthwise
3. Flip the clamp to the left
4. Thread the websling into the guide slot, and you're done!
3.4 Choosing the nominal load capacity
The webslings' nominal load capacity must be greater than or equal to
the load's mass. When choosing the webslings, pay attention to which
attachment method and the angle at which the lifting process is to take
place, because this affects the useful load capacity of the websling.
The websling must lie completely on the load suspension device (e.g.
crane hook) and on the load.