explanation is displayed. Help texts use the following
shows a link to a related help topic
shows a link to the application being discussed
When you are reading the instructions, to switch
between help texts and the application that is open in
the background, press and hold the menu key, and
select from the list of open applications.
Accessibility solutions
Nokia is committed to making mobile phones easy to
use for all individuals, including those with disabilities.
For more information, visit the Nokia website at
Additional applications
There are various applications provided by Nokia and
different third-party software developers that help you
do more with your device. These applications are
explained in the guides that are available on the
product support pages of the Nokia website.
Update device software
Software updates using your PC
Software updates may include new features and
enhanced functions that were not available at the time
of purchase of your device. Updating the software may
also improve the device performance.
Nokia Software Updater is a PC application that enables
you to update your device software. To update your
device software, you need a compatible PC, broadband
internet access, and a compatible USB data cable to
connect your device to the PC.
To get more information, to check the release notes for
the latest software versions, and to download the
Nokia Software Updater application, see
www.nokia.com/softwareupdate, or www.nokia-
latinoamerica.com/nsu for Latin America.
To update the device software, do the following:
Download and install the Nokia Software Updater
application to your PC.
Connect your device to the PC using a USB data
cable, and open the Nokia Software Updater
application. The Nokia Software Updater
application guides you to back up your files, update
the software, and restore your files.
Software updates over the air
With Software update (network service), you can check
if there are updates available for your device software
or applications, and download them to your device.