Terms of Warranty
Products can be returned to
Daytot for warranty repair or
replacement up to 12 months
from purchase. In all cases, it is
the customer's responsibility to
ensure the goods being returned
are suitably packaged, preferably
in the original packaging.
Please contact Daytot Customer
Services to notify us and obtain a
case reference ID before returning
your product.
The customer is responsible for
the cost of returning the goods.
Once returned to us we will repair
or replace your goods and return
them to you within 14 days free
of charge.
Safety Information
Notice to the user and/or operator:
Any serious incident that has
occurred in relation to the
device should be reported to the
manufacturer and the competent
authority of the Member State
in which the user and/or operator
is established.
• The Daytot Joey complies with
flammability test EN1021 Part 1
& 2. However, the product
should be kept away from
naked flames and all sources
of ignition.
• Do not modify or incorporate
any components other than
those supplied. Spare parts are
available by contacting
Daytot Customer Services at
Set-up for Use
• Ensure there is a small
amount of clearance between
the shoulder straps and the
infant's neck.
• Keep Velcro hook areas and
unpadded hardware surfaces
away from the infant as they
may cause minor injury.
• If the infant exhibits any form
of distress beyond what is
considered normal for that
infant, remove them from the
product as quickly as is safely
possible. The infant may take
time to become accustomed to
the product.