Philips AZ 8300 Manual De Instrucciones página 12

Philips sell this product subject to the understanding that if any defect in manufacture
or matenal shall appear in it within 12 months from the date of consumer sale, ^e
dealer from whom the product w'as purchased will arrange for such defect to be recti¬
fied without charge, prowded:
/. Reasonable ewdence is supplied that the product v;as purchased v/ithin 12 months
prior to the date of claim
2 The defect is not due to use of the product for other than domestic purposes, or on
an incorrect voltage, or contrary to ^e Company's operating instructions, or to acci¬
dental damage (vAe^er in transit or othea'.ise), misuse, neglect or inexpert repair
Products sent for seivice should be adeguatefy packed as no liability can be accepted
for damage or loss in transit and name and address must be enclosed
Facts about free service
When service is required, apply to the dealer from whom the product w-as purchase!
Should any difficulty be expenenced in obtaining
in die e'.ent of the deal¬
er ha'^mg ceased to trade,you are acf.ised to contact Philips Serv.ce
Tbesd statements do not affect the statutory ngtjts of a consumer
If ^'ou have any questions v.hich your dealer cannot ans', please write to
Philips Consumer Relations, S P.O. Box296,420 London Road,
CROYDON CR9 3QR, or»(01) 68S'2166 Consumer Advice.
Please retain this card Produce if service is required
This apparatus is made of high quality material and great care has been taken in its
Philips, therefore, give you a guarantee on parts against failures arising from faulty
workmanship or material for 12 months after dale of purdiase This guarantee is wlid
on the condition that this certificate is completed and signed immediately on delivery
of the apparatus. In case of failure ask v^ur dealer for further infonmation.
If you have any questions which your dealer cannot answer, v'ou may apply to
Philips Electrical (Ireland) Ltd., Service Department, Newstead, Clonskeagh,
DUBUN 14,9 693355._
The benefits given to the purchaser by this w'arranty are in addition to all other rights
and remedies, which, under the Trade Practices Act or other Commonw'ealth or State
lav;, the puri^aser or owner has m respect of the product
The Philips product carries the following warrantes.
C-senes HiFi-systems. 12 months Compact Disc Players 12 mondis Home Audio
Systems 6 months Clock radios, portable radios, cassette recorders, cassette players
and radio recorders 80da*ys.
Any defect in materials or workmanship occurring wiihm the specified period from the
date of delivery, will be rectified frea of diarga by the retailer from whom th is product
was purchased
A'ote"Please retain your purchase docket to ass'st prompt seaice
Conditions of this warranty
1. All claims for warranty service must be made to the retttiler from whom this prod¬
uct was pur^ased All transport charges incxirred in connect on with v;arranty ser¬
vice or replacement will b e paid by the purchaser.
Z These warranties do rot ccr.'er batteries and extend only to defects in materials or
W'orkmanship occurring under normal use of the product where operated in accor¬
dance wiih our instructons.
Philips Consumer Products Division, Technohgy Park, Figtree Dnve,
Austraiia Centre, H0MEBUSH2140, New South Wales_
Thank-you for purdiasing ttris quality Philips product The document you are no.v
readmg is your guarantee card.
Philips New Zealand Ltd guarantees this product against defectve components and
faulty worlOTanship for a period of 12 months Any defect in materials or workman¬
ship occurring within 12 monttis from the date of purchase subject to the following
conditions will be rectified free of charge by the retailer from whom this product v;3S
1. The product must have been purdiased in Kev; Zealand, and this guarantee card
completed at time of purchase {this is your proof of die date of purdiase).
2 The guarantee applies only to faults caused by defective components, or faulty
workmanship on die part of the manufacturer
3. The guarantee does not cover failures caused by misuse, neglect normal wear and
tear, accidental breakage, use on the incorrect voltage, use contrary to operating
instructions, or unaudionsed modification to the product or repair by an unautho¬
rised technician.
4. Reasonable evidence (in the form of a sales docket or completed guarantee card)
must be supplied to Indicate that the product v;as purchased no more than 12
months prior to die date of your claim
5 In the event of a failure. Philips shall be under no liability for any injury, or any loss
or damage caused to property or products other than the product under guarantee
This guarantee does not prejudice your nghts under common lav/ and s^tute, and is
m addition to the normal responsibilities of the retailer and Philips.
How to claim.
Should your Philips product fail within the guarantee period, please return it to the
retailer from whom it was purchased. In most cases the retailer will be able to satis-
factonly repair or replace the product
However, should the retailer not be able to conclude the matter satisfactorily, or if
you have other difficulties claiming under this guarantee, please contact
the Guarantee Controller, Philips New Zealand lid,
S P.O. Box 1041, AUCKLAND-9 (09)605-914_
• Watwordtgegarandeerd?
Philips Nederland 8.V, garandeert dat dit apparaat kosteioos wordt berste'd ind en -
bij normaal particulier gebruik vo'gens de geiruiJsaanwijiing - brnnan 12 maanden na
aankcopdatum fabncage- en/of matenaalfouten oplreden
• Wievoertdegarantieuit?
org wor da uitvoering \'an da garantie benisibij de hande'aar d:e u hat apparaat
verkocht heeft De hande'aar kan daarbij eventueal een beroep doen op een der
Philips SeMcevesiigingen.
• Uwaankoopbon + de identificatiekaart
De identificatiekaart is uv; garantiebewijs. U kunt atleen een beroep dcen op de bo-
\enom$^re'.en garantie tegen oieriegging v'an de aankoopbon (factuur, tessaton of
kviitantie). in combinaiie met de identificatiekaart, waarop hjpanumnrer en senenum- zijn venmeld Uit de aankoopbon dienen du delijk de aankoopdatum en de ream
van de handelaar te blijken Wocht het noodzakelijk zun daze documenten aan irw
handelaar af te geven, dan kunt u hem daaaoor een ontvangstbewijs wgan
De garantie ver^alt mdien op de genoemde documenten lets is veranderd, doorge-
haald, verwljderd of onleesbaar gemaakt De garantie veaalt eveneans md en hat
t^penummer en/of senenummer op het apparaat is ^etanderd, doorgahaaM, verv.ij-
derd of onleesbaar gemaakt.
• Hoe tehandelenbij een storing?
Om onnodige kosten te voorkomen, raden w/j u aan bij stonrgen earst naifw<.£urig da
gabruiksaanv/ijzifig te lezen Indien degebru^ksaanwijzing daann gaan uitkomstb edt,
kunt u mw handelaar raadplegen en/of hem bet apparaat ter reparatie aanb edan
• ...en bij problemen?
Bij problemen omtrent de garantfe-uittpering kunt u Zich mverb.nd ng stel'en mar
nummerSOO, 5600 VB ElNDHOVEN{^oStieie\ r et nod g). of 9 040-781178.
Fhilips-Gerate smd aus enwardfreiem Material und mit gro2er Sorgrait nergesteut
worden Dieses Gerat word Ihnan gute Oienste fe^sten, sofem es sachgamaS tadient
und unterhalten wird, Trotz aller Sorgfalt ist das Auftreten von Fehlem ncht ganz aus-
zusdilieSen Im Falle ernes Defektes w'anden Sie S'ch bitte unter Vorlage des Em-
kaufsbeleges und des Geratepasses an das F^c^g3sc^aft m wa'cham Sie das Gerat
ea'.prban haben___
Les appareils Philips ont ^6 fabnqu^ au moyen de mat^naaxde touts prem'ere qual¬
ity et avec beaucoup de so ns Cet appareil vo'js donnera encore p'us da salisfacticn
rutilisation et Tentrefien sont sums selon le mode d'emp'oi Ma'gr6 tous les so ns
apport^s. rappantion de d^fauts ri'est pas e.*cfue Dans ce cas, nous vcus serions
reccnnaissants de bien couloir vous edresser directement chaz votre vandeur iruni du
passeport de Pappareil ainsi que de la facture s y reportant_
6li apparecchi Pnilips sono prcdotti con matenah di pnrra qualita eassemb'ati con la
massima cura. Essi Vi offnranno un ottimo S£mz<o. in carrbio di un sccuralo u:o e
manutenzione. Malgrado tutti i nostri sforzi, non h esdoso cha poss^aria awenTa dei
guasti. In caso di difetto Vi preghiamo di rivo'gerVi al Vostro fomitore spec-afizzato,
portando con Voi il passaporto assieme ai documenti d'airqu'Sto_
In Belgie en Luxemburg getden uitsMitend de garantiebepalirgen d'8 in bet door uv;
• Voor Belgie: fndien u na de aankoop van een of ander Philips apparaat prob emcn
beeft met bijv de waarborg, de werkirg. of het gebru.k eaan, en md.en de verde'er
die u deze apparaten verkci^t beeft mo£iliit!ed€n cndirwndt cm deze prob'emen op
te lessen, stelt u zich dan telefonisch of scbrifte'ijk inxel)md ng rri£t oozed cost
'KlantenKontakf, de BrouckenpIeinZ 1000BRUSSEL-9 02/2119111
Pour les conditions de garantie en Beig que et Lu-^embourg veuillez vous rfiftrer h la
carte de garantie que la revendeur doit vous remettre.
• Pour la BeIgique:S\ apr^Tachat de I'un ou Tautre appareil Philipspus aiaz des
probl^mes concemant par example la garantie, le foncfionnement ca I utilisation da
I'appareil et que la dismbuteur qui vous a vendj ces appareils ^proir.a des difficuitts
pour lesrfeoudre, prenez contact, so it par i^l^phone, so tpar tent aitcnotre sen,,co
'Contact Clientele', Place de BrouckireZ 1000 BRUXELLES-9 02/2119111
In Ist die Ge/.-ahrle stung fur Venrage rw.schen Handler ur.d Kaufer g-^etz-
lich geregeSt Zur Geliendmachung des Gev/ahrleistongsanspruches dient der Kauf-
Die^sterre-chische Philips Industrie GmbH unterstutzt die Gewahrteistungsvarpfiich-
tung Ihres Handlers fur Neugerdte, die der Handel fiber d'e Osterreidhic^e Philips In¬
dustrie GmbH bzw. Honr/Vertnebsgmbfi bezegen bat daiurch, daS fur den Kaufer
innerhalb von
Monaten ab Verkaufsdatum Fun'ttionsmangel IFabnfcations-
Oder f.
tenalfehler) in einer unserer SeMce-Filialen kostenlos, d-h. obne Verreebnung von At-
beitszeit und Matenal, tehobsn werden.
Schaden. die durch SuSere Einflusse, unsachgemaSe Behandlung oder unsachge-
mSUen ftemde-ngriff entstanden smd, so.we Gehausefehler Oder Glasbrucb, smdvon
dieser Zusage ausgescblossen
Philips Zentrale Kundeninformation:
- 1101 WIEN, TriesterstraBe 64,9 0222-60101-DW1620 oder 1563
- 6020INNSBRUCK,Klostergasse4,9 05222-74694
- 9020KLAGENFURT, VillacherStraBe 161,9 0463-22397-DW94
Philips Service-OrganisaUon: 1232 WIEN, Ketzergasse 120,9 0222-8662-0

Este manual también es adecuado para:

Az 8301Az 8304