CRYSTAL analytical balance
9.2.1. SERIAL
This menu controls the serial output control parameters. BAUD
Defines the transmission baudrate of the serial output from 1200 to 9600 baud. BYTE FOR
Defines the format of the byte transmitted and may be set as:
7 E 1
7 data bit
7 O 1
7 data bit
7 N 2
7 data bit
7 E 2
7 data bit
7 O 2
7 data bit
8 N 1
8 data bit
8 E 1
8 data bit
8 O 1
8 data bit
8 N 2
8 data bit PROTOC
Is the protocol of the serial data output and may be:
For a detailed description of the different protocols refer to the section relative to the data transmission. TRANS OPT
Selects the continous or on-demand data transmission.
When the continous mode is selected, the balance transmits a data at every convesion.
May be used to drive peripherals than can't issue a print command to the balance.
This function can be stored by STORE function (sse 9.2.5)
9.2.2. CALIBR
The Crystal balance may be calibrated with an external mass or with the built-in calibration mass, the type of
calibration is a function of the model and can be selected with this menu.
If the balance has a built-in calibration mass the following items are displayed: CAL OFF CAL ON CAL AUTO
INSRUCTION MANUAL - 60.50.630 9th issue - December 2014
even parity
1 stop bit
odd parity
1 stop bit
no parity
2 stop bit
even parity
2 stop bit
odd parity
2 stop bit
no parity
1 stop bit
even parity
1 stop bit
odd parity
1 stop bit
no parity
2 stop bit
Both external and internal calibration are disabled
Both external and internal (if installed) calibration are enabled
With this selection the calibration is enabled and a timer activates the internal
calibration every 3 hour. The automatic calibration is delayed if, during last 10
minutes, the balance has been operated or serial comand has been issued.
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