i I
WARNING: The operation of
any lawn mower can result in
foreign objects being thrown
intothe eyes, which can damage
your eyes severely. Always wear
safety glasses while operating
the mower, or while performing
any adjustments or repairs on it.
WARNING: Be sure no one other
than the operator is standing
near the lawn mower while
starting engine or operating
mower. Never run engine indoors
or in enclosed, poorly ventilated
areas. Engine exhaust contains
carbon monoxide, an odorless
and deadly gas. Keep hands,
feet, hair and loose clothing away
from any moving parts on engine
and lawn mower.
1. Pushprimerthreetimes.Wait abouttwo seconds
betweeneachpush.See Figure2. Intemperature
around550F or below,primefive times. Do notprime
to restarta warmengine.
2. Standingbehindthe mower,squeezethe blade
control handleagainst upperhandle.See Figure2.
3. Holdingthesetwo handlestogetherfirmly,grasp
recoilstarterhandleand pull ropeout with a rapid,
continuous,full armstroke.See Figure2. Keeping
a firm grip on the starterhandle,let the rope rewind
slowly.Repeatuntilenginecranks. Letthe rope
rewindeachtime slowly.
1. Releasebladecontrol handleto stop theengine and
the blade.
2. Disconnectsparkplug wirefrom spark plug and
groundagainstthe engine.
Using Your Lawn Mower
Be sure the lawn is clear of stones, sticks, wire, or
other objects which could damage the lawn mower
or the engine. Such objects could be accidently
thrown by the mower in any direction and cause seri-
ous personal injury to the operator and others.
WARNING: if you strike a foreign
object, stop the engine. Remove
wire from the spark plug, thor-
oughly inspectthe mower for any
damage, and repair the damage
before restarting and operating
the mower. Extensive vibration
of the mower during operation is
an indication of damage. The unit
should be promptly inspected
and repaired.
Operating Tips
1. Forbest results,do not cut wet grass.
2. Newgrass,thickgrass,or wet grassmay requirea
3. Fora healthierlawn,nevercut off morethan one-third
of the total lengthof the grass.
4. Yourlawnshouldbe cut in the fall as long as there
5. Foreffectivemulching,do not cut wet grass.
6. Adjustground speedaccordingto conditionof lawn.
7. If the grass hasbeen allowedto growin excessof 4
inches,mulchingis not recommended. M ow using
the sidedischargeto reducethegrass heightto 3-1/4
inchesor less beforemulching.
Figure 2
The operation of any
lawn mower can result
in foreign objects
being thrown into
the eyes, which can
damage your eyes
severely. Always wear
safety glasses while
operating the mower,
or while performing
any adjustments or
repairs on it.
Be sure no one other
than the operator is
standing near the lawn
mower while starting
engine or operating
mower. Never run
engine indoors or
in enclosed, poorly
ventilated areas. En-
ine exhaust contains
:arbon monoxide, an
odorless and deadly
gas. Keep hands, feet,
hair and loose clothing
away from any moving
parts on engine and
lawn mower.