2. Interface
Select to transfer the data in the memory to a Printer, LabX Direct or both. The meter adjusts the
baud rate to the following settings in case no automatic baud rate synchronization occurs (only
pos s i b le with USB and the printers RS-P25, RS-P26 and RS-P28):
1. Printer
Baud rate: 1200
Data bits: 8
Parity: none
Stop bits: 1
Handshake: none
2. LabX direct
The settings between the instrument and PC are adjusted automatically because USB con n ec-
tion is plug-and-play
3. Printer + LabX direct
The settings listed above for 1. and 2. are used.
3. Printout Format
Three different printout formats are available: GLP, Normal and Short. The printouts can be print-
ed in six different languages, depending on which language is currently selected in Setup (English,
Ger m an, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese). For all other languages the printouts will be in
Eng l ish.
* If LabX direct is selected, the printout format is always GLP and English. LabX direct PC software
trans l ates the received data into the selected PC language as defined in the regional and language
pH printout GLP
10:56 AM
6.997 pH
0.5 mV
25.0 °C ATC
Auto EP Strict
Last cal.: 09-Jun-2010
10:56 AM
Outside limits
5.6 S ystem settings
The system settings menu is protected by a PIN. Upon delivery, the PIN is set to 000000 and is
acti v at e d. Please change the PIN to prevent unauthorized access.
24 Setup
pH printout normal
10:56 AM
6.997 pH
0.5 mV
25.0 °C ATC
Auto EP Strict
pH printout short
0.5 mV
25.0 °C ATC
Auto EP Strict