Step 4: Assign the DMX Channels to the
Control Elements
It is possible to individually assign the DMX channels of
the connected spotlights to the control elements of the
DMX MOVE PRO (softpatch). However, some DMX chan-
nels must be assigned according to a certain scheme,
in order for the controller to correctly perform the inte-
grated movements, color effects and fade effects. For
control of the pan/tilt function of moving heads or scan-
ners, the corresponding DMX channels must be assigned
e.g. to the pan and tilt wheel; and for control of RGBW light
effect units, the DMX channels which control red, green,
blue, white and the dimmer function, must be assigned to
the faders ONE TO FIVE.
Select the option "FADER CHANL" with the but-
ton SWAP to start the assignment. The display indicates
the control element in the upper line, e.g. "Fader CHAN-
L:1/R " and the DMX channel in the lower line, e.g. "DMX
channel:01". Please refer to the fixture's DMX protocol,
which usually is part of the user manual.
Use the PAN wheel to adjust the control element
and assign the DMX channel with the TILT wheel. As the
first four channels are reserved for the basic colors, please
adjust the first channel to "1/R" and select the fixture's
corresponding channel for red with the TILT wheel.
Always confirm with the ENTER button. All LEDs
of the controller flash three times to confirm.
Use the PAN wheel to go one step further. "2/G"
appears. With the TILT wheel assign the DMX channel for
green. Assign channel 3 to blue, channel 4 to white and
channel 5 to dimmer. The channels for the pan/tilt move-
ment can be found in at the very end on the list. These
must also be assigned to the appropriate channels. If
your spots dispose of 8-bit and 16-bit modes of motion,
you should select the 8-bit mode. If there is only a 16-bit
mode, then the fine channels, meaning the respective sec-
ond channels of the movement layer must be ignored. All
other channels used, you can be assigned freely.
Unused channels must be zeroed. For this, use
the PAN wheel to scroll through the patch list and press
the DEL button (indication "NULL"). All LEDs of the con-
troller flash three times to confirm.
P. 17