Always use undamaged wheel flanges that are of
correct size and shape for your selected wheel.
Proper wheel flanges support the wheel thus reducing
the possibility of wheel breakage. Flanges for cut-o
wheels may be di erent from grinding wheel flanges.
Do not use worn down wheels from larger
power tools. A w h e e l i n t e n d e d f o r l a r g e r p o w e r
t o o l i s n o t s u i t a b l e f o r t h e h i g h e r s p e e d o f a
smaller tool and may burst.
When using dual purpose wheels always use
7 .
the correct guard for the application being
performed. Failure to use the correct guard may
n o t p r o v i d e t h e d e s i r e d l e v e l o f g u a r d i n g , w h i c h
could lead to serious injury.
Additional safety warnings specific for cutting-off
1 .
Do not "jam" the cut-off wheel or apply exces-
sive pressure. Do not attempt to make an
excessive depth of cut. O v e r s t r e s s i n g t h e w h e e l
increases the loading and susceptibility to twisting
o r b i n d i n g o f t h e w h e e l i n t h e c u t a n d t h e p o s s i b i l -
ity of kickback or wheel breakage.
Do not position your body in line with and
behind the rotating wheel. W h e n t h e w h e e l , a t
the point of operation, is moving away from your
body, the possible kickback may propel the spin-
ning wheel and the power tool directly at you.
3 .
When the wheel is binding or when interrupt-
ing a cut for any reason, switch off the power
tool and hold it motionless until the wheel
comes to a complete stop. Never attempt to
remove the cut-off wheel from the cut while
the wheel is in motion otherwise kickback may
occur. I n v e s t i g a t e a n d t a k e c o r r e c t i v e a c t i o n t o
e l i m i n a t e t h e c a u s e o f w h e e l b i n d i n g .
Do not restart the cutting operation in the work-
piece. Let the wheel reach full speed and carefully
re-enter the cut. The wheel may bind, walk up or
k i c k b a c k i f t h e p o w e r t o o l i s r e s t a r t e d i n t h e w o r k p i e c e .
Support panels or any oversized workpiece to
minimize the risk of wheel pinching and kick-
back. L a r g e w o r k p i e c e s t e n d t o s a g u n d e r t h e i r
o w n w e i g h t . S u p p o r t s m u s t b e p l a c e d u n d e r t h e
w o r k p i e c e n e a r t h e l i n e o f c u t a n d n e a r t h e e d g e
o f t h e w o r k p i e c e o n b o t h s i d e s o f t h e w h e e l .
Use extra caution when making a "pocket cut"
into existing walls or other blind areas. T h e
protruding wheel may cut gas or water pipes, elec-
trical wiring or objects that can cause kickback.
7 .
Do not attempt to do curved cutting.
O v e r s t r e s s i n g t h e w h e e l i n c r e a s e s t h e l o a d i n g a n d
susceptibility to twisting or binding of the wheel
in the cut and the possibility of kickback or wheel
breakage, which can lead to serious injury.
Before using a segmented diamond wheel,
make sure that the diamond wheel has the
peripheral gap between segments of 10 mm or
less, only with a negative rake angle.
Safety warnings specific for sanding operations:
1 .
Use proper sized sanding disc paper. Follow
manufacturers recommendations, when
selecting sanding paper. L a r g e r s a n d i n g p a p e r
extending too far beyond the sanding pad pres-
ents a laceration hazard and may cause snagging,
t e a r i n g o f t h e d i s c o r k i c k b a c k .
Safety warnings specific for wire brushing operations:
1 .
Be aware that wire bristles are thrown by the
brush even during ordinary operation. Do not
overstress the wires by applying excessive
load to the brush. The wire bristles can easily
p e n e t r a t e l i g h t c l o t h i n g a n d / o r s k i n .
If the use of a guard is specified for wire
brushing, do not allow any interference of the
wire wheel or brush with the guard. W i r e w h e e l
or brush may expand in diameter due to work load
a n d c e n t r i f u g a l f o r c e s .
Additional Safety Warnings:
When using depressed centre grinding wheels,
1 .
be sure to use only fiberglass-reinforced
NEVER USE Stone Cup type wheels with this
grinder. T h i s g r i n d e r i s n o t d e s i g n e d f o r t h e s e
types of wheels and the use of such a product
may result in serious personal injury.
Be careful not to damage the spindle, the
3 .
flange (especially the installing surface) or the
lock nut. Damage to these parts could result in
wheel breakage.
Make sure the wheel is not contacting the
workpiece before the switch is turned on.
Before using the tool on an actual workpiece,
let it run for a while. Watch for vibration or
wobbling that could indicate poor installation
or a poorly balanced wheel.
Use the specified surface of the wheel to per-
form the grinding.
7 .
Do not leave the tool running. Operate the tool
only when hand-held.
Do not touch the workpiece immediately after
operation; it may be extremely hot and could
burn your skin.
Do not touch accessories immediately after
operation; it may be extremely hot and could
burn your skin.
1 0. Observe the instructions of the manufacturer
for correct mounting and use of wheels.
Handle and store wheels with care.
1 1 .
Do not use separate reducing bushings or
adaptors to adapt large hole abrasive wheels.
1 2. Use only flanges specified for this tool.
1 3 . For tools intended to be fitted with threaded
hole wheel, ensure that the thread in the wheel
is long enough to accept the spindle length.
1 4. Check that the workpiece is properly
1 5. Pay attention that the wheel continues to
rotate after the tool is switched off.
1 6. If working place is extremely hot and humid,
or badly polluted by conductive dust, use a
short-circuit breaker (30 mA) to assure opera-
tor safety.
1 7 . Do not use the tool on any materials contain-
ing asbestos.
1 8. When use cut-off wheel, always work with
the dust collecting wheel guard if required by
domestic regulation.
1 9. Cutting discs must not be subjected to any
lateral pressure.