Interfaces and outputs
HB 10
Data is exchanged between the heating bath and the drive unit by means
of an infrared link. These are located on the left display side of the hea-
ting bath or on the right side of the drive unit. Do not place any objects
between the two operating units as otherwise the data transfer may be
interrupted (fig. 22)!
RV 10 control
The device can be operated in "Remote" mode via an RS 232 or USB inter-
face using labworldsoft
laboratory software.
The RS 232 interface at the back of the device, see fig. 20, is fitted with
a 9-pole SUB-D jack and can be connected to a PC. The pins have serial
signals. The USB interface is located on the left-hand side of the display on
the drive unit and can be connected to a PC using the USB cable supplied.
Note: Please note the system requirements as well as the operating in-
structions and help section included with the software.
USB Interface
The Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a serial bus system used to connect the
RV 10 control with the PC (Fig. 23). Devices that support USB can be
connected to each other whilst they are running (hot pluggable) and pro-
vide automatic recognition of the connected devices and their properties.
Use the USB interface in conjunction with labworldsoft
"Remote" mode to update the solvent library. Navigate to http://www.ika.
net/ika/lws/download/RV10.cfg to update.
Connect the RV 10 control to the PC using the USB data cable. t. The
RV 10 control will then transmit information to the Windows operating
system to tell it which device drivers are required. Windows will then
- Load the driver,
- Install the driver automatically if not already installed,
- Prompt the user to perform a manual installation.
Navigate to
Serial interface RS 232 (V24)
- The functions of the interface lines between the device and the automa-
tion system are a selection from the signals specified in the EIA standard
RS232 C, as per DIN 66 020 Part 1.
- For the electrical characteristics of the interface and the allocation of
signal status, standard RS 232 C applies in accordance with DIN 66
259 part 1.
- Transmission procedure: asynchronous character transmission in start-
stop mode.
- Type of transmission: full duplex.
- Character format: character representation in accordance with data for-
mat in DIN 66 022 for start-stop mode. 1 start bit; 7 character bits; 1
parity bit (even); 1 stop bit.
- Transmission speed: 9600 bit/s.
- Data flow control: none
- Access procedure: data transfer from the device to the computer takes
place only at the computer's request.
Fig. 22
Command syntax and format
The following applies to the command set:
- Commands are generally sent from the computer (Master) to the device
- The stirrer machine sends only at the computer's request. Even fault
indications cannot be sent spontaneously from the stirrer machine to
the computer (automation system).
- Commands are transmitted in capital letters.
- Commands and parameters including successive parameters are sepa-
rated by at least one space (Code: hex 0x20).
- Each individual command (incl. parameters and data) and each response
are terminated with Blank CR Blank LF (Code: hex 0x20 hex 0x0d hex
0x20 hex 0x0A) and have a maximum length of 80 characters.
- The decimal separator in a number is a dot (Code: hex 0x2E).
The above details correspond as far as possible to the recommenda-
tions of the NAMUR working party (NAMUR recommendations for the
for operation in
design of electrical plug connections for analogue and digital signal
transmission on individual items of laboratory control equipment, rev.
The NAMUR commands and the additional specific IKA
serve only as low level commands for communication between the
rotary evaporator and the PC. With a suitable terminal or communica-
tions programme these commands can be transmitted directly to the
rotary evaporator. The IKA
vides a convenient tool for controlling rotary evaporator and collecting
data under MS Windows, and includes graphical entry features, for
motor speed ramps for example.
The following table summarises the (NAMUR) commands understood
by the IKA
Fig. 23
software package, labworldsoft
. control equipment.
co mmands
, pro-