Operation Manual EMP
3.4 Trouble-shooting chart
Freezing or blockage in
the pipe with propylene
Compressor starts but
remainsin start windings.
(Single phase only)
Starter burned out.
Starting capacitors burn
out. (Single phase only)
Running capacitors burn
out. (Single phase only)
Unit operates long or con-
1. Percentage of water above
1. Low line voltage
2. Improperly wired
3. Runing capacitor shorted
4. Starting capacitor weak
5. High discharge pressure
1. Low line voltage.
2. Excessive line voltage.
1. Voltage too low.
2. Impoper capacitor.
1. Excessive line voltage.
1. Shortage of gas.
2. Dirty condenser.
3. Moisture in system.
4. Compressor failing.
1. Remove and replace all of the solution
according to the percentages
*according to your supplier.
1. Ask power company to increase volta-
ge to no less than 10% below nameplate
rating or install transformer.
2. Check wiring against drawing. Check
wire size.
3. Check by disconnecting runing capa-
4. Check capacitor, replace.
5. Check water regulating valve; check
water or air condenser and clean, if ne-
cessary. Check discharge shut-off valve
1. Ask power company to increase volta-
ge to not less than 10% below nameplate
rating or install transformer.
2. Ask power company to reduce volta-
ge to maximum of 10% over nameplate
1. Ask power company to increase volta-
ge to not less than 10% below nameplate
rating or install transformer.
2. Replace capacitor with properly rated
capacitor, as listed in manual.
1. Ask power company to reduce line vol-
tage to not more than 10% above rating
of motor.
1. Repair leak and recharge.
2. Clean condenser.
3. Evacuate and recharge system.
4. Check compressor for proper pressu-
res. If inadequate, replace compressor.