Husqvarna RS 7400 D Manual De Instrucciones página 26

Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

B efore leaving our factory, every machine is thoroughly tested. Follow our instructions strictly
and your machine will give you long service in normal operating conditions.
B efore starting up the machine, make sure you read these entire Operating Instructions and are
familiar with the operation of the machine.
WiTH mACHine ColD AnD SeTTinG leVel:
1. After removal from crate, check machine for any damage that may have occurred in transit. Report any damage
to the freight company or your supervisor. DO NOT OPERATE MACHINE IF IT WAS DAMAGED.
2. Check engine oil. Fill to the full mark on dip stick with 15W40 low ash diesel oil. Engine should be level.
3. Connect battery cables.
4. Check hydraulic oil level in tank, level should be 3" below top.
5. Install pointer and set to line up with blade.
1 - 2 HoUR oPeRATion CHeCk liST:
AlWAYS park machine on a level surface with the engine "oFF" and the ignition switch set
in the "oFF" position and parking brake on before performing any maintenance. let the machine
cool down!!
1. Check the engine air cleaner hose clamps. Tighten as required.
2. Tension the blade drive V-belts. DO NOT over tension!!
3. Check the transmission V-belt. DO NOT over tighten!!
SCHeDUleD mAinTenAnCe QUiCk ReFeRenCe
Before performing any maintenance, AlWAYS park the machine on a level surface with the engine
"oFF" and the ignition switch set in the "oFF position.
SeRViCe DAilY:
1. Check engine oil level.
2. Check blade guard for damage.
3. Check hoses and clamps for damage or looseness.
Tighten or replace as necessary.
4. Check air cleaner restriction indicator. Replace
primary air filte if indicator is red.
SeRViCe eVeRY 50 HoURS:
1. Clean radiator filter.
2. Check blade drive V-belt tension. DO NOT over
tension! Both sides even tension.
3. Replace hydraulic oil filter (first 50 hours only).
4. Lubricate front wheel bearings.
5. Replace engine oil and filter.
PRe oPeRATion CHeCkliST
SeRViCe eVeRY 100 HoURS:
1. Replace engine oil and filte .
2. Lubricate raising frame bearings.
3. Check wheels for wear or damage.
4. Check transmission drive belt.
5. Check engine air cleaner hose and clamps.
6. Check hydraulic flui level.
SeRViCe eVeRY 300 HoURS:
1. Replace fuel filte (in-line type).
2. Replace hydraulic oil filte .
SeRViCe eVeRY 500 HoURS:
1. Replace hydraulic flui
2. Replace fuel filte (spin-on type).
3. Replace gear lube in gear box, use 75W90 synthetic
gear lubricant.
SeRViCe Semi AnnUAllY:
1. Replace air filte safety element.