The risk of kickout is highest when cut-
ting in the darker shaded area. To
reduce the risk of kickout and resulting
injury, do not use this area of the circular
saw blade for cutting trees or shrubs.
Special techniques using the lighter
shaded areas of the blade to cut shrubs
and trees should only be used by expe-
rienced operators with specialized
training in the use and control of the
trimmer / brushcutter.
To reduce the risk of loss of control and
serious injury to the operator or
bystanders by a kickout, never use a cir-
cular saw blade on a trimmer /
brushcutter with a loop handle, but
rather only on one with a bicycle handle.
When felling small trees, maintain a
distance of at least two tree lengths from
the nearest coworker.
In order to reduce the risk of injury from
thrown objects or operator contact with
the blade or head, be sure to remount
the standard deflector when no longer
using a circular saw blade.
Maintenance, replacement, or repair
of the emission control devices and
systems may be performed by any
nonroad engine repair establishment
or individual. However, if you make a
warranty claim for a component
which has not been serviced or
maintained properly or if
nonapproved replacement parts were
used, STIHL may deny coverage.
Use only identical STIHL replacement
parts for maintenance and repair. Use of
non-STIHL parts may cause serious or
fatal injury.
Strictly follow the maintenance and
repair instructions in the appropriate
sections of your instruction manual.
Always stop the engine and make sure
that the cutting attachment is stopped
before doing any maintenance or repair
work or cleaning the power tool. Do not
attempt any maintenance or repair work
not described in your instruction man-
ual. Have such work performed by your
STIHL servicing dealer only.
Wear gloves when handling or
performing maintenance on blades.
Use the specified spark plug, and make
sure it and the ignition lead are always
clean and in good condition. Always
press the spark plug boot snugly onto
the spark plug terminal of the proper
size. (Note: If the terminal has a detach-
able SAE adapter nut, it must be
securely attached.) A loose connection
between the spark plug and the ignition
wire connector in the boot may create
arcing that could ignite combustible
fumes and cause a fire.
Never test the ignition system with the
spark plug boot removed from the spark
plug or with a removed spark plug, since
uncontained sparking may cause a fire.
Do not operate your power tool if the
muffler is damaged, missing or modi-
fied. An improperly maintained muffler
will increase the risk of fire and hearing
loss. If your muffler was equipped with a
spark-arresting screen to reduce the
risk of fire, never operate your power
tool if the screen is missing or damaged.
Remember that the risk of forest fires is
greater in hot or dry weather.
Never repair damaged cutting attach-
ments by welding, straightening or
modifying the shape. This may cause
parts of the cutting attachment to come
off and result in serious or fatal injuries.
FS 90, FS 90 R