36 mm Thread for use with 3-Prong Socket Adapter
Please refer to 3-Prong Socket Adapter Instructions for use.
After lamination, screw the threaded adapter (Fig. 1: B) completely into the
3-prong adapter and tighten the lock screw to 10 Nm. After adjustments,
the lock screw must be secured with medium strength threadlocker.
Caution: When prong adapters are used, resin may get under the adapter
and hinder full thread engagement. Carefully remove resin without
damaging the adapter so that adapter threads can be fully engaged when
mounted on the device.
Caution: When carrying out any later adjustments, do not unscrew the
threaded adapter more than one full turn. Threaded adapter might break.
Loop Adapter (Fig. 1)
Lamination of adapter to socket:
Create a dummy disc to replace the adapter disc during lamination. Fix it
to the loop adapter (E).
Laminate the loop adapter (E) to the socket.
Protect adapter threads during lamination.
Remove the dummy disc and attach adapter disc (F) before attaching the
loop adapter to the knee.
Caution: Fill the central thread of the loop adapter completely with
Plastilin, so that no resin can run into the thread during lamination and
the central screw can later be completely screwed in.
Caution: Check that the fine serrations on the inner surfaces of the
adjustment discs face towards each other.
All Adapters (Fig. 1)
1. Fit the Washers (L and M) onto the Central Screw (I, J or K),
– match the conical surfaces together.
– match the fine serrations surfaces together.
2. Mount the adapter on the knee with the Central Screw, using medium
strength threadlocker.
3. Tighten the screw to 35 Nm.
Warning: Screws for other adapters may have different lengths. Do not
mix the central screws. Check screw for full thread engagement.
Caution: The IKF adapter has reference marks A and P for Anterior and
Posterior (G). Make sure to position correctly.
Bench Alignment (Fig. 2)
Alignment Goal
Alignment reference line (B) should:
– pass through midpoint of socket at the ischial tuberosity level (D)
– pass through midtube (A)
– fall at the 1/3 mark on the inside of the foot cover.
Note: Prioritize knee alignment over foot alignment if there is
a mismatch.
Alignment Instructions
1. Position the foot so that the alignment reference line (B) falls at the
1/3 mark on the inside of the foot cover (with the foot cover and shoe
on). Consider the external rotation of the foot.
2. Use the applicable adapters to connect the knee to the foot and
establish the correct knee center height.