Thank you for choosing PLAYLIFE Skates.
PLAYLIFE is a registered trademark of Powerslide Sportartikelvertriebs GmbH.
These skates have been tested in line with the European standard EN 13843:2009. These skates
correspond to Class A with a maximum user weight of 20 kg to 100 kg. Children: These skates correspond
to Class B with a maximum user weight of 20 kg to 60 kg and a maximum foot length of 260 mm.
These skates are designed for regular roller sports. They are not suited for inline hockey and acrobatic
roller sports.
The letter of conformity for this item can be found under the following website:
No modifications shall be made that impair safety.
Visual instruction 1: Powerslide recommends wearing full, safety-tested protective gear in order
to minimise your safety risk. Full protective gear includes: a helmet in addition to knee, elbow
and wrist pads. Furthermore, you should wear reflective clothing and equipment.
Visual instruction 2: Check your axles. Check your mounting bolts.
Skating on streets and cycle paths is not permitted according to the road traffic act. Your city
may, however, have their own specific legislation to determine where skating is permitted and
where it is not. Follow the regulations. Avoid paths and roads used by other road users. We
recommend using skate parks instead.
Inline skating is a dangerous sport and can lead to serious injury and even death. Protective
gear cannot provide complete protection from injury, but it can contribute towards avoiding
more serious injuries. That is why it is important you always carry protective gear as well as a
helmet at all times and skate in a controlled manner.
Always skate with attention to others. Watch your speed while skating and skate to your
Always skate on the right side and overtake on the left side. When you want to turn, indicate
with your hand for others to see.
Be careful around children, dogs, bikes and other inline skaters and skate with foresight and
anticipation of other people's mistakes.
The traffic laws also apply to skaters. It is not permitted to have yourself be pulled along by
cars, buses or other motorised or non-motorised vehicles.
Avoid skating on sandy, wet or oily ground as this could cause an accident. In addition, sand,
water and dirt can damage the bearings.
Self-locking screws and nuts can gradually loosen when the skates are being used. Check these
regularly to make sure they are still firmly in place and if necessary, tighten them. Take particular
note of the screws attaching the frame to the shoe as well as the axles that attach the wheels
to the frame.
Sharp edges that can form while using the skates should be removed in order to avoid injury.
Always make sure your skates fit properly; the shoe should not be too large or small. If one of your skates
is too large, then it will not offer real support and if the shoe is too small it will show signs of pressure. If
the shoe is tied too tightly, it can lead to blood congestion in the foot. Skaters with narrow feet have the
possibility to compensate an excessive shoe size with suitable insoles.
Powerslide recommends beginners take skating lessons. Ask your Powerslide vendor for such opportunities
within your city. Initially start practising in an area free of other road users or ask someone to lead you
through the first steps. Attempt to stand upright on your skates while keeping your ankles straight. Get
accustomed to the proper skating position in order to attain best possible balance. Shift your centre
of gravity downward by bending your knees and ankles and leaning forward slightly from the hip. Your
centre of gravity should now lie directly above your skates. Push yourself off with the inner edge of one
skate, which you have placed at an angle to the intended direction movement, and glide along with all
your weight on the other skate. Return the first foot under your body by moving it in a circular motion and
then use the other skate to push yourself off again. Repeat this a few times and after a short time you will
find yourself skating. In order to turn right you need to shift your centre of gravity first to the inner edge of
your left foot and outer edge of your right foot. Then turn your hip and toes to the right while keeping your
legs locked and shoulders parallel to the ground. Let the momentum carry you until you stop. You can