3.3 Coffee-powder brewing function
Use the exclusive powder-spoon to get 6.5-10 g coffee powder, then press the cof-
fee-powder brewing key, and the screen will show "1ESPRESSO, PREBREW, BREWING".
The word "READY FOR USE" will be shown on the screen when the brewing is finished,
then it allows to choose the repeated function or other ones.
3.4 Steam function key
Press the key and the screen will show "STEAM PREPARING", until the heating step is
finished, the words on the display screen will change to "STEAM READY".
Dip the milk frother into the cup with milk; and the slowly revolve the hot water &
steam knob.
ATTENTION: The steam will be spouted out during this operation so please be cautious
to avoid scald.
Choose fresh freeze milk for frothing (different milk will produce defferent froth).
While making froth, just put the nozzle of the the milk frother into the half centimeter
of the water/milk level.
hot water indicative position
steam function key
co ee-powder brewing key
steam / hot water position
hot water closed position
[ EN p. 7 ]
KEN001KVA 26.06.2017
If you want to use other functions
while using the steam function,
you must exit the steam mode
first, Operation: press the steam
function key, the screen will show
"open the knob", until the words
"close the knob" show up in the
screen, then revolve the knob
to the closed position, and the
screen will present
"be ready", now you are allowed
to choose other functions.
Version: 8.0