Wrench can be paired with a mobile device for increased security. Wrench supports two pairing modes:
1) NO PIN and 2) RANDOM PIN. In either mode, pairing wrench to a mobile device must be initiated
from mobile device. If NO PIN mode is selected, neither wrench nor mobile device will ask for a PIN
during pairing process. This method is simpler but less secure than RANDOM PIN method. If RANDOM
PIN mode is selected, mobile device will ask for a PIN when pairing is initiated, and wrench will display
a randomlygenerated PIN. User enters PIN into mobile device dialog to complete pairing process.
1. From Settings menu, use UP/DOWN buttons to highlight PAIRING MODE selection then press
ENTER button.
2. PAIRING MODE screen is displayed.
3. Use UP/DOWN buttons to select type of pairing mode used.
4. Press ENTER button to accept selection and exit to Settings menu.
Note: PIN is displayed on wrench during pairing with mobile device. Enter PIN into device when
requested. Display returns to normal after connection:
Pair state of wrench to a mobile device is displayed on main menu. This function allows user to unpair
wrench from mobile device if paired.
1. From target torque or angle screen, press and hold ENTER button for 3 seconds.
2. Highlight PAIR STATE menu selection using UP/DOWN buttons.
3. Press ENTER button to display Pair State.
4. To exit Settings menu and return to target torque or angle screen, press ENTER button while EXIT
menu selection is highlighted.