The following parts are supplied together with the machine.
Weight pliers
Calliper for wheel width measurement
Hexagon wrench, size 4
Hexagon wrench, size 6
Open wrench CH 10
Hexagon wrench, size 10
Calibration weight
Wheel balancer power supply cable
Monitor power supply cable
Small cone
Medium cone
Large cone
Small wheel fixing cap protection
Spacer cap
Small wheel fixing cap
Threaded hub
Quick fastener ring for locking wheel
oPTional aCCESSoriES
Please refer to the relevant accessories catalogue.
gEnEral ConDiTionS oF USE
The equipment is intended for professional use only.
Only one operator at a time can work with the machine.
The wheel balancers described in this manual must be used exclusively to measure the extent
and position of car wheel unbalances, within the limits specified in the Technical specification
section. Furthermore, models equipped with motors must be provided with a suitable guard,
fitted with a safety device, which must be lowered during the spin operation.
Any use of the machine other than the described use is to be considered as improper and
Do not start the machine without the wheel locking equipment.
Operator's manual TECo 680 - 680 PlUS - 680 PlUS Pl