hears at your location. This number does not
include virtual access points if Group virtual access
points is selected.
To see descriptions of the icons on the Networks
screen, press
To see details about the access points in a network, use
to highlight a network, then press
Contact Fluke Networks
Australia: 61 (2) 8850-3333 or 61 (3) 9329 0244
Beijing: 86 (10) 6512-3435
Brazil: 11 3759 7600
Canada: 1-800-363-5853
Europe: +31-(0) 40 2675 600
Hong Kong: 852 2721-3228
Japan: 03-6714-3117
Korea: 82 2 539-6311
Singapore: +65-6799-5566
Taiwan: (886) 2-227-83199
USA: 1-800-283-5853
Visit our website for a complete list of phone numbers.
The number of access points the tester
Contact Fluke Networks