5. Use Instructions
Before putting on the IPEs, check
if all parts are clean and without
apparent damages (ripped parts
and scratches).
Read the chemical product la-
bel that will be applied before
beginning application; on it you
will find information about the
careful measures to be taken
during handling, how to pro-
ceed in case of contamination
or emergencies.
The use of the set of individual protection
clothing – IPEs – demands care and metho-
dology as regards the correct sequence to
put it on.
5.1. Sequence to put on the IPEs
• Put on the pants and then adjust them
comfortably to your body. Then, put on the
shirt. It must not be tucked in;
• Put on the boots and adjust the shirt at
the waistline. The adjustment is done by a
string and the shirt must be adjusted over
the pants, not tucked in;
• Put on the apron (only for knapsack spray-
er application). It is recommended that
during handling of agricultural protection
materials, the apron is put on in the fron-
tal part of the body. During application,
it is mandatory that the apron is placed
on the back part of the applier serving as
support between the material operator
and the sprayer;