Proper Cuff Placement
To accurately measure blood pressure during a stress test, it is important that the
Orbit-K cuff is the correct size and is placed correctly on the arm.
1. Choose the appropriate Orbit-K cuff size.
a. Without using the sleeve of the cuff, wrap the cuff around the patient's
upper arm (Figure 4).
b. To verify the correct size cuff, make sure the INDEX falls within the
cuff's RANGE arrow (located on the inside of the cuff). If the INDEX
is outside the RANGE indicator, select a new cuff size. Caution:
Remember that using a cuff that is the wrong size will result in false and
misleading measurements.
2. Place the Orbit-K cuff on the patient's arm.
a. Palpate the brachial artery between the bicep and the tricep (Figure 5).
Figure 4: Sizing of cuff
Figure 5: Location of brachial artery