BEFoRE uSing ThE dEViCE, PlEASE REAd ThE FolloWing
APPliCATion iS ViTAl To ThE PRoPER FunCTioning oF ThE
inTEndEd uSE/indiCATionS: Provides fixed or range of motion
control post-injury or post-operative procedure to the elbow;
stable fractures; biceps repair; and mild to severe soft tissue
ConTRAindiCATionS: None
WARningS And PRECAuTionS: If you experience any pain,
swelling, sensation changes, or any unusual reactions while using
this product, consult your medical professional immediately.
APPliCATion inFoRMATion:
1. unlock hinge. The X-Act Rom Elbow is packaged in a locked position.
To unlock brace, slide Red Quick-Lock button away from hinge center.
2. Position Brace. Place the mid-point of hinge over lateral epicondyle
(outside of elbow) Note: Red Quick Lock Button should be below
Elbow when brace is applied.
3. Telefit Arm lengths. While hinged is aligned with epicondyle
(mid-point of elbow) adjust position of all four cuffs. Depress the
slider button and position both forearm cuffs then both bicep cuffs to
desired location. note: Make sure proximal Bicep cuff extends to most
comfortable position, but does not impinge Auxila (arm pit) and distal
Forarm cuff is postioned above styloid process (bump on lateral side of
wrist). DO NOT attempt to remove Sliders from hinge bar.
4a. Apply Brace. Unfasten the four Quick-Clip buckles on sliders by
rotating the release end upward until clip is ejected off of slider. Place
arm into brace.
4b. Starting with the cuffs closest to elbow, form cuffs around forearm and
5. Secure Straps. Starting at the wrist, click each of the Quick-Clip
buckles onto the slider bar, making sure an "audible click" is achieved.
Cinch Straps for snug fit.
Trim Straps as necessary. Remove aligator strap tab; trim strap; replace
strap tab. noTE: Bicep Strap pads are packed with brace for comfort
and anti-migration.
6. Range of Motion hinge Setting. X-Act Elbow brace allows for full
range of motion in 10 degree increments from -10 to 120 degrees of
flexion. To adjust settings, depress the Flexion & Extension buttons and
move to prescribed range of motion (ROM).
7. Quick-lock. To prevent any range of motion, slide the red Quick-Lock
button to the locked postion. X-Act Elbow brace may be locked in 0, 15,
30, 45, 60, 75, or 90 degrees of flexion.
8. Patient Compliance. If required, lock ties are included with each brace.
Loop a tie through hole in both the extension and flexion buttons to
maintain prescribed range of motion settings.
9. Removal & Re-Application of X-Act Rom Elbow Brace. Slightly
loosen straps on each cuff and disengage clip on sliders by rotating clip
upward until clip is ejected off of slider. Loosen cuffs. Re-apply brace
easily with one hand. Align hinge at Elbow. Form cuffs around arm for
snug fit. Click buckles onto sliders. Tighten straps for proper fit.
APPlying ShouldER Sling:
10. Loosen both straps on Shoulder Sling, Place shoulder strap over head
so strap sits on both shoulders, like a collar.
11. Place uninjured arm through Shoulder Sling, making sure one strap is
across back. Shoulder strap should be over shoulder of injured arm.
12. Attach Shoulder Sling to brace by feeding wrist strap through buckle of
Shoulder Sling. Wrap strap around wrist cuff and secure.
13. Move contact closure strap ends on Shoulder Sling to raise arm to
comfortable position. Strap may be trimmed as needed. Position
shoulder pad on neck area as needed for comfort.
To remove sling - Use Quick Release buckles for easy removal and
re-application of product
ClEAning inSTRuCTionS:
Remove and hand wash preformed cuff liners and brace straps in
cold water with mild detergent. Rinse thoroughly. AIR DRY only, do
not heat dry. Regular cleaning of the brace is recommended.
WARRAnTy: DJO, LLC will repair or replace all or part of the unit
and its accessories for material or workmanship defects for a
period of six months from the date of sale.
FoR SinglE PATiEnT uSE.
RX only
FunCTion, STREngTh, duRABiliTy And CoMFoRT, ThiS dEViCE iS only onE ElEMEnT in ThE oVERAll TREATMEnT PRogRAM
AdMiniSTEREd By A MEdiCAl PRoFESSionAl. ThERE iS no guARAnTEE ThAT injuRy Will BE PREVEnTEd ThRough ThE uSE oF ThiS
CAuTion: FEdERAl lAW (u.S.A.) RESTRiCTS ThiS dEViCE To SAlE By oR on ThE oRdER oF A liCEnSEd hEAlTh CARE PRoFESSionAl.