1.5 The most common areas of damage
The camsegment is the most critical part in the clamp and requires extra attention
during inspection. Ensure in any event for good light during inspection, using if
necessary a torch. Observe the following rules during every inspection:
On the inside of the front cover some illustrations have been included of damaged
(rejected) ) pivots and camsegments with explanations. In most cases however the
areas of damage are much less extensive. In doubtful cases an authorized repairer
should assess the clamp.
This type of clamp can prone to deformation of the hole in which the chain (D-shackle)
impinges, resulting in the hole becoming oval. When that is the case the clamp should
be removed from service immediately.
Deformation in this part is mainly due to exceeding of the maximum side loading angle
of 15 °. The maximal loading angles are displayed in the loading diagrams on page 27.
1.6 How to act in cases of damage
When during one of the inspections a form of wear or damage is detected the
following procedures must be carried out:
1. Remove the clamp from service (note date of removal from service in the
table of the maintenance log).
2. Try to ascertain the cause of the defect, for example:
- Excess stress (incidental/structural)
- Improper use (clamp is unsuitable)
- Injudicious use (personnel is untrained)
- Lifting of new/divergent materials (hardness/dimensions)
- Rough or careless use
While these areas of damages are not covered by the warranty, it is from the
standpoint of safety important to follow this procedure.
NB: in cases of doubt contact your authorized IP repairer.
3. Give the clamp with the maintenance log to the IP authorized repairer. He will
check the clamp thoroughly and replace the necessary parts. The repair will be
carried out and registered in the maintenance log.
4. After repair return the clamp to operation (note date of return to operation in
the log).
5. Increase frequency of safety inspections (for 2 months):
- Cat. A: 1 x per month
- Cat. B: 1 x per 2 weeks
6. If additional wear appears, consult the Safety Engineer from Inter Product.
Reject when the sharpness of one tooth has disappeared for 50% or