Electrode combinations and designs
for welding:
brackets, tubes, hooks
and loops
Upper electrode
REF 085–000–00
Lower electrode
REF 086–000–00
For recommended welding settings, see separate table (p. 52ff)
• E lectrodes must always be clean.
Clean, polished and correctly set electrode tips are essential for good welds.
• O bjects being welded must always be free of dirt and grease and have a clean metallic surface.
Polishing the tips
Fold a piece of sandpaper (grain 600) with the rough side outwards and push it between the
electrodes. Draw the sandpaper back and forth between the tips until the entire surface of both
tips is polished. Remove any burrs which are created on the electrodes. If the electrodes no longer
function correctly after a longer period, they can generally be re-worked slightly using the electrode
file REF 083-300-00. However, if the size of the electrode tip is affected, replace the electrode
with a new one.
Welding brackets to bands
When welding brackets to band material or pre-formed bands, ensure that the upper electrode is
positioned fully on the welding flange of the bracket.
Welding tubes to wire
The wall of the tube must be in contact with the wire. If the pressure of the electrode is not sufficient
to make contact, it is suggested flattening the tube slightly at the contact point with pliers.
Spot-welding crossed wires
Where the wires are simply crossed, a single spot-weld is usually adequate to connect them
properly. In many cases, it is advisable to solder the wires in addition to welding. In this case, take
into account that heating the wires when soldering them to strengthen the joint also causes the
mechanical properties of the wires to deteriorate.
for welding:
wire to wire
Upper electrode
REF 085–200–00
Lower electrode
REF 086–100–00 or
REF 086–300–00
for welding:
wire to bands
Upper electrode
REF 085–100–00
Lower electrode
REF 086–200–00
master 3000 en