NoTE: We recommend that the radio modules and, where appropriate, PRoTECToR Control Panels are
programmed in-house (or similar) in order to minimise the noise for the customer. Label the detectors and
prepare an installation list for yourself and for the customer.
NoTE: only the two radio modules currently being programmed should be put in to operation, and not all at
the same time. In the others, pull out the radio module's three-pin connector (fig. 1.3) in the smoke detector
or disconnect the battery.
• The radio module and PROTECTOR K lithium smoke detector share the same battery, which is
housed inside the smoke detector (see the instructions for the smoke detector). This reduces the
smoke detector's battery life. The smoke detector indicates when it is time to change the battery.
We recommend ULTRALIFE U9VL-J-P lithium batteries.
• Close the smoke detector battery compartment. The red LED on the smoke detector will flash
every 45 seconds to indicate that the battery is fitted correctly.
• Connect the radio module to the smoke detector. Pull the green connector in the smoke detector
out (fig. 2) and plug the three-pin connector from the radio module (fig. 1.3) into the smoke
detector. The connector must be pushed in carefully until flush with the housing bar in the smoke
detector. The radio module acknowledges the connection is correct by continuously illuminating
the red LED (fig. 1.1) for approximately 4 seconds. The smoke detector may emit a short "beep"
during insertion. If the pin is incorrectly inserted, the smoke detector alarm will be immediately
triggered. Do not lock the smoke detector in place on the radio module yet , as the radio module
must first be programmed.
NoTE: Maintain a minimum distance of 1 m between the radio modules — this also applies during
installation. The minimum distance of 1 m also applies to the PRoTECToR Control Panel.