Based in Concord, California, and founded in 1998, Game Ready
best-in-class sports medicine and orthopedic medical device that helps athletes and patients
recover from injury or orthopedic surgery.
The Game Ready System with ACCEL
accelerate the body's natural repair mechanisms, setting a new standard in injury and post-
op recovery.
Comprised of a control unit featuring proprietary ACCEL
and Cold Exchange Loop) and a complete range of dual-action wraps designed for each
body part, the revolutionary system uniquely integrates active compression and cold
therapies to accelerate natural healing.
Immediately after suffering a musculoskeletal injury, the body initiates a series of physiological
responses to defend surrounding tissues and begins to repair the damage. While inflammation
is a natural and necessary mechanism in this process, controlling it effectively can actually
allow the body to enter the later stages of healing faster. Until now, the RICE (Rest-Ice-
Compression-Elevation) principles have been used to passively control symptoms,
moderating pain and swelling. Going beyond static cold and compression applications,
Game Ready with ACCEL
cellular oxygen supply, and stimulates tissue repair.
Please complete your Warranty Registration within 30 days for both the GRPro
Unit and the Wraps online at The Wrap registration card is packaged
with the Heat Exchanger of each Wrap. Further warranty information can be found in the
Warranty Section of this manual.
doN't JuSt tReAt SYMPtoMS, helP AcceleRAte heAliNG
To learn more or to share your experience with the Game Ready System, please call us
at 1.888.426.3732 or email us at info
1.888.GameReady (1.888.426.3732)
cAutioN: United States Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of
a licensed healthcare practitioner.
Warning: Follow the recommendations of your health care practitioner regarding the
frequency and duration of use. Improper placement or prolonged use of the GRPro 2.1
could result in tissue damage. Discontinue use immediately if you experience burning,
itching or increased pain and swelling. Monitor the skin receiving cold therapy
frequently and discontinue use if changes such as blisters, increased redness,
discoloration or welts occur.
iMPoRtANt: ReAd coMPlete iNdicAtioNS, coNtRAiNdicAtioNS, cAutioNS
ANd WARNiNGS oN PAGeS 13-15 BeFoRe uSiNG thiS PRoduct!
i N t R o d u c t i o N t o G A M e R e A d Y
Technology proactively aids lymphatic function, encourages
ReGiSteR YouR PRoduct
Technology gives healthcare providers the power to
Technology (Active Compression
™ We'd enjoy hearing from you.
(CoolSystems, Inc.) is a
2.1 Control