Cambio de asignaciones de CPU/memoria (setcoremem)
Ejemplo de cambio de recursos por una
configuración personalizada (setcoremem)
Cambio de los recursos de CPU/memoria a una configuración personalizada
En este ejemplo se muestra cómo cambiar los recursos de CPU/memoria a una configuración personalizada en
lugar de a una de las configuraciones predefinidas.
/opt/oracle.supercluster/bin/setcoremem -s 0
Info: A log of the activities is being recorded in /opt/oracle.supercluster/setcoremem/log/modlocality.log
Info: Found an 8 Socket T5-8 system
Info: The "current" or "next poweron" SP-Config is F3_1_6
Info: Found 3 Domains including primary
primary 80 1280
ssccn2-dom1 16 256
Info: With this configuration adjustment tool, existing domains can be re-configured
Info: with new CPU-core count and memory size.
Info: This resource adjustment tool cannot be used to modify the number of domains
Info: or alter the IO layout
This system can be reconfigured to allow you maximum flexibility (1)
or choose from a list of pre-defined configuration (2).
Which action do you require ?:
1) Maximum Flexibility (minimum of 8-cores per domain)
2) Pre-defined Configuration Layout (minimum of 16-cores per domain)
0) Exit
Please Select an Option:
Info: With this configuration adjustment tool, existing domains can be re-configured
Info: with new CPU-core count and memory size.
Info: The minimum number of Cores for a domain is 8. Adjustments are allowed
Info: in multiple of 8 cores.
Info: The minimum amount of Memory for a domain is 128 GB, Adjustments are allowed
Info: in multiple of 128 GB.
Info: Parking cores (for license purposes)
Info: ====================================
Info: 'Parked' cores are cores that are not assigned to any domain and are
Info: therefore not counted for license purposes. Parked cores are unusable
Info: and essentially wasted. A better alternative in most situations is to
Info: avoid unwanted license charges by assigning cores to a different domain.
Info: This resource adjustment tool cannot be used to modify the number of domains.
Oracle SuperCluster T5-8 • Octubre de 2014