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5027 Sampler User Manual 5000 3694 / Rev. 3 5400029a Copyright 2005 / All rights reserved FOSS Analytical AB, Box 70, SE-263 21 Höganäs, Sweden Tel Int +46 42 361500, Fax +46 42 340349, E-mail info foss.dk...
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Please inform Technical Information Group at the address given below, if you have any opinions about or proposals for changes to this manual. Technical Information Group e-mail [email protected] FOSS Analytical AB, Box 70, SE-263 21 Höganäs, Sweden Tel Int +46 42 361500, Fax +46 42 340349 User Manual 5000 3694 / Rev. 3...
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5027 Sampler English Warning In order to find out the nature of the potential hazard, please consult this manual in all cases where this symbol is used. The information will be found on the yellow pages. Deutsch Warnung In allen Fällen, wo dieses Symbol verwendet wird, informieren Sie sich bitte in der Bedienungsanleitung über die möglichen Ge-...
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5027 Sampler Íslenska Viðvörun Þar sem þetta viðvörunartákn kemur fram, ávallt lesið ykkur til um þá hættu sem gæti stafað og hvers konar hættu um er að ræða. Upplàsingarnar má finna á gulu sídunum. Italiano Attenzione Per valutare la natura del potenziale pericolo vi preghiamo con- sultare il presente manuale tutte le volte che viene visualizzato questo simbolo.
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5027 Sampler General ................ 1:1 Introduction ............... 1:1 Warranty Statement ..........1:1 Safety Precautions ............ 1:1 Technical Description ........... 2:1 General ................ 2:1 Features ............... 2:1 Technical Specification ..........2:1 Unpacking and Checking ........3:1 Installation ..............4:1 General ................ 4:1 Voltage Feed ..............
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In no event will FOSS Analytical AB or its agents be liable for any consequential, incidental or indirect damages arising out of the use or inability to use the 5027 Sam- pler Unit. The 5027 Sampler Unit should only be used as described in this manual.
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5027 Sampler Modifications, alterations, rebuilding or use of safety parts not author- ized by FOSS Analytical AB violates the warranty. FOSS Analytical AB has no responsibility for damages, material or personal, occuring as a result of such actions. User Manual 5000 3694 / Rev. 3...
(this port is marked “Tecator interface” at the rear of the Sampler). This can be done from any Windows PC. In this way the 5027 Sampler may be integrated with many analytical systems as a reliable and easy-to-use sample presentation machine.
5027 Sampler Unpacking and Checking Unpack the Sampler with care and check that you have received all parts. If any parts are damaged or missing, please contact your FOSS representative. 5027019b Fig. 3:1 1000 5829 Sampler unit with accessory kit (5027-011)
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Installation General The 5027 Sampler Unit is designed to be used in a wide range of FOSS Analytical systems. It combines directly with either the Aquatec®, FIAstar ®, SCABA, Milko- Scan or WineScan the moment it arrives on your lab bench.
5027 Sampler At the rear of the sampler there is the same table as shown on the other page. 5027027a Fig. 4:2 How to fit the fuses Connecting the Sample Probe Fit the sample probe by pushing it down into the probe arm. The probe may protrude downwards a maximum of 125 mm.
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Modifications, alterations, rebuilding or use of safety parts not author- ized by FOSS Analytical AB violates the warranty. FOSS Analytical AB has no responsibility for damages, material or personal, occuring as a result of such actions.
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5027 Sampler Mode Configuration Trays Logic Scaba 5600 MilkoScan FT 120 RS232 FIAstar 5010 and Aquatec 5400 FIAstar 5010 and Aquatec 5400 WineScan and FIAstar 5000 RS232 FIAstar 5012, Scaba 5610 and 5611 RS232 FIAstar 5000, FIAstar 5012 and Wine-...
Note: Modifications, alterations, rebuilding or use of safety parts not authorized by FOSS Analytical AB violates the warranty. FOSS Analytical AB has no responsi- bility for damages, material or personal, occuring as a result of such actions. Instructions for Cleaning Clean unit and sample racks using a mild detergent.
5027 Sampler Accessories and Consumables Part No Accessories 1000 5224 Random access kit-5027 Sampler 1 ea Rack for standards 1 ea Communication cable for PC, RS 232, 25-9 pin 10 ea Calibrant cups 1 ea Installation instructions 1 ea Assembly kit...
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5027 Sampler Part No Consumables 5522 0034 Sample cups 4 ml 100/pkg 5000 3725 Sample cups 4 ml 1000/pkg D0399436 Sample cups 30 ml WITH CAPS 750/pkg 5000 3724 Sample cups 12 ml, 2000/pkg 5000 1822 Sample cups 100 ml, 400/pkg...
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5027 Sampler 8 SAFETY INFORMATION (GB) mains voltage. The mains voltage selector has the Equipment Ratings following positions: Neutral, 100V, 115V, 130V, 200V and 230V. Refer to the figure. Warning When the Sampler is delivered, the selector is in This device is equipped with a the neutral position and there are no fuses fitted.
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FIAstar 5012, Scaba RS232 Modifications, alterations, rebuilding 5610 and 5611 or use of safety parts not authorized by FOSS Analytical AB violates the FIAstar 5000, RS232 warranty. FOSS Analytical AB has no FIAstar 5012 and responsibility for damages, material...
5027 Sampler 9 SICHERHEITSINFORMATIONEN (GE) TECHNISCHE GERÄTE- INSTALLATION DATEN 9.2.1 Spannungszufuhr Warnung! Netzspannungswähler Dieses Gerät ist zu Ihrem Schutz vor Ein Netzspannungswähler findet sich auf der Stromschlägen mit einem geerdeten Rückseite des Probennehmers und dient der Stromstecker ausgerüstet und ist Einstellung der richtigen Netzspannung.
FIAstar 5012, Scaba RS232 Modifikationen, Änderungen, Umbau oder 5610 und 5611 Verwendung von Sicherheitsbestandteilen, die nicht von der FOSS Analytical AB genehmigt FIAstar 5000, RS232 sind, machen die Garantie ungültig. Die FOSS FIAstar 5012 und Analytical AB übernimmt keine Haftung für WineScan Sach- oder Personenschäden aufgrund einer...
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5027 Sampler Vorderseite leuchtet auf, wenn das Gerät eingeschaltet ist. Wenn die Probesonde versehentlich aus der Normalstellung gerückt wird, bewegt sie sich automatisch zur Spritzflasche. 9.3.4 Betrieb Stellen Sie den Mode-Schalter anhand der Tabelle in Abschnitt 9.3.2 Festlegen der Analyse- konfiguration in die gewünschte Position.
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5027 Sampler 10 SIKKERHEDSINFORMATION (DK) positioner: Neutral, 100V, 115V, 130V, 200V og 10.1 UDSTYRETS MÆRKEDATA 230V. Se figur. Ved levering af prøveudtageren er omskifteren Advarsel! indstillet til neutral position, og der er ikke Dette apparat er udstyret med en installeret nogen sikringer.
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Justeringer, ændringer, ombygning eller anvendelse af sikkerheds- FIAstar 5012, RS232 elementer, som ikke er autoriseret af Scaba 5610 og FOSS Analytical AB, gør garantien 5611 ugyldig. FOSS Analytical AB påtager sig intet ansvar for person- eller FIAstar 5000, RS232 tingskade forårsaget af sådanne FIAstar 5012 og handlinger.
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5027 Sampler prøveudtageren, hvis man ønsker at kontrollere den yderligere. 10.4 Rengøringsinstruktioner Enheden samt prøvestativerne rengøres ved brug af et mildt rengøringsmiddel. User Manual 5000 3694 / Rev. 3 10:3...
5027 Sampler 11 INFORMACION DE SEGURIDAD (ES) 11.1 REGIMEN DE TRABAJO Selector de tensión de red En la parte posterior del muestreador existe un DE LOS EQUIPOS selector de tensión de red que se utiliza para ajustar el valor correcto de la misma. Este selector...
FIAstar 5010 y Aquatec 5400 Las modificaciones, alteraciones, reconstrucción o uso de piezas de WineScan y RS232 seguridad no autorizadas por FOSS FIAstar 5000 Analytical AB invalidan la garantía. FOSS Analytical AB no asume FIAstar 5012, RS232 responsabilidad alguna por daños de...
5027 Sampler hacia el frasco de lavado si se hubiera salido accidentalmente de dicha posición. 11.3.5 Manejo Utilice la tabla que aparece en la sección 11.3.3 Ajuste de la configuración del análisis, para ajustar el conmutador ”Mode” en la posición deseada.
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5027 Sampler 12 TURVALLISUUSTIEDOT (FI) 12.1 LAITTEISTON TYYPPIAR- Kun näytteenotin toimitetaan, valitsin on neutraalissa asennossa eikä sulakkeita on asennettu. Varoitus! Tämä laite on varustettu Huomaa! maadoitustyyppisellä virtapistokkeella suojaamaan Älä koskaan kytke näytteenotinta sähköiskun vaaralta ja se saadaan sähköverkkoon ennen kuin olet aset- liittää...
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Takuu on mitätön jos laitteeseen tehdään muutoksia, muunnoksia, WineScan ja RS232 uusia tai käytetään sellaisia turvaosia FIAstar 5000 joita FOSS Analytical AB ei ole valtuuttanut. FOSS Analytical AB ei FIAstar 5012, RS232 ota vastuuta materiaali- tai Scaba 5610 ja henkilövahingoista jotka johtuvat 5611 kyseisistä...
5027 Sampler 13 CONSIGNES DE SECURITE (FR) 13.1 CARACTERISTIQUES DE 13.2 INSTALLATION L'EQUIPEMENT 13.2.1 Tension d'alimentation Attention : Sélecteur de tension d'alimenta- Cet appareil équipé d'une fiche électrique avec tion mise à la terre prévue pour assurer la protection Un sélecteur placé à l'arrière de l'Echantillonneur des personnes contre les décharges électriques ne...
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Aquatec 5400 Les modifications techniques ou WineScan et RS232 l'utilisation de pièces non FIAstar 5000 homologuées par FOSS Analytical AB est contraire aux stipulations de la FIAstar 5012, Scaba RS232 garantie contractuelle. FOSS 5610 et 5611 Analytical AB décline toute...
5027 Sampler 13.3.4 Mise en service de l’Echantillonneur Brancher le câble d’alimentation électrique à la prise de courant murale et mettre l’échantillonneur sous tension en appuyant sur l’interrupteur d’alimentation secteur à l’arrière. Le témoin vert situé à l’avant s’allume lorsque l’appareil est sous tension.
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5027 Sampler 14 ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡIΕΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΕIΑΣ (GR) 14.1 ΣΤΟIΧΕIΑ ΣΥΣΚΕΥΗΣ χρησιµoπoιείται για τηv τoπoθέτηση της σωστής ηλεκτρικής τάσης. Ο επιλoγέας ηλεκτρικής τάσης έχει τις εξής θέσεις: Πρoειδoπoίηση! Ουδέτερες, 100V, 116V, 130V, 200V και 230V. Βλέπε διάγραµµα στηv εικόvα πιo Η συσκευή αυτή είvαι εφoδιασµέvη µε...
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ή χρήση τωv µερώv ασφαλείας τα oπoία λειτουρ- ου γίvovται χωρίς εξoυσιoδότηση από τηv γίας FOSS Analytical AB παραβιάζoυv τoυς όρoυς της εγγύησης. Η FOSS Analytical Scaba 5600 AB δεv φέρει καµία ευθύvη για ζηµιές, υλικές και πρoσωπικές, πoυ MilkoScan FT 120 RS232 πρoκαλoύvται...
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5027 Sampler 5027028a Fig. 14:3 Ο διακόπτης ”MODE ” 14.3.4 Έναρξη λειτουργίας του δειγµατολήπτη Συνδέστε το καλώδιο κεντρικής παροχής στην πρίζα και θέστε σε λειτουργία τον δειγµατολήπτη πιέζοντας το διακόπτη κεντρικής παροχής στο πίσω µέρος. Η πράσινη LED στο µπροστινό µέρος ανάβει, όταν...
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5027 Sampler 15 UPPLÝSINGAR UM ÖRYGGI (IS) 15.1 MAT Á TÆKINU 15.2 UPPSETNING Varúð! 15.2.1 Skömmtun rafspennu Þetta tæki hefur jarðtengda kló til að Rafspennuvaltæki verjast hættu á raflosti og má aðeins Rafspennuvaltæki er komið fyrir aftan á stinga í samband við rafmagnsinns- Greininum og er notað...
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FIAstar 5012 og öryggishluta sem FOSS Wine-scan Analytical AB viðurkennir ekki fyrirgerir ábyrgðinni sem er á tækinu. Prófun og stilling FOSS Analytical AB ber enga ábyrgð á skaða, efnislegum eða persónulegum, sem verður vegna slíkra athafna. Athugasemd: 15.3.1 Tenging greiningarkerfa Ef stillingu rofans er breytt verður að...
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5027 Sampler 16 INFORMAZIONI SULLA SICUREZZA (IT) 16.1 PORTATE NOMINALI Selettore della tensione di alimen- tazione DELL'APPARECCHIATURA Questo selettore si trova sul retro del Campionatore e viene utilizzato per impostare la Avvertenza! tensione di alimentazione. Il selettore presenta le Questo dispositivo è provvisto di una...
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WineScan e RS232 Qualsiasi modifica, alterazione, ricostruzione od FIAstar 5000 impiego di componenti di sicurezza non autorizzato dalla FOSS Analytical AB costituisce FIAstar 5012, Scaba RS232 una violazione della garanzia. La FOSS 5610 e 5611 Analytical AB non si assume alcuna responsabilità...
5027 Sampler nel caso si fosse accidentalmente spostata da questa posizione. 16.3.5 Funzionamento Fare riferimento alla tabella della sezione 16.3.3 Impostazione della configurazione d’analisi per impostare il selettore di modalità nella posizione desiderata. Ricordarsi di riavviare il campionatore affinché la modifica eseguita sia registrata.
5027 Sampler 17 VEILIGHEIDSVOORSCHRIFTEN (NL) 17.1 MAXIMUM VERMOGEN 17.2 INSTALLATIE VAN APPARATEN 17.2.1 Netspanning Waarschuwing! Netspanningskeuzeschakelaar Dit apparaat is voorzien van een Een netspanningskeuzeschakelaar is op de geaarde vermogensschakelaar voor achterkant van de monsternemer gemonteerd en beveiliging tegen elektrische wordt gebruikt voor het instellen van de correcte schokken en mag uitsluitend aan een netspanning.
WineScan en RS232 FIAstar 5000 Wijzigingen, veranderingen, ombouw of gebruik van beveiligingselementen FIAstar 5012, RS232 die niet door. FOSS Analytical AB Scaba 5610 en goedgekeurd zijn hebben de 5611 ongeldigheidsverklaring van de garantie ten gevolge. FOSS Analytical FIAstar 5000, RS232...
5027 Sampler 17.3.4 De monsternemer starten Steek de stekker van het netsnoer in de wandcontactdoos en start de monsternemer door de netschakelaar aan de achterzijde in te drukken. De groene LED aan de voorzijde gaat branden wanneer de spanning is ingeschakeld. De sonde...
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5027 Sampler 18 SIKKERHETSINFORMASJON (NO) følgende posisjoner: Nøytral, 100V, 115V, 130V, 18.1 UTSTYRSDATA 200V og 230V. Se figuren. Når sampleren leveres, står velgeren i nøytral Advarsel! stilling og ingen sikringer er montert. Dette apparatet er utstyrt med jordet støpsel for å unngå fare for elektrisk støt og må...
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Endringer, ombygginger og bruk av FIAstar 5000 sikkerhetsdeler som ikke er godkjent FIAstar 5012, Scaba RS232 av FOSS Analytical AB medfører brudd på garantien. FOSS Analytical AB har 5610 og 5611 ikke noe ansvar for skader på FIAstar 5000, RS232...
5027 Sampler 19 INFORMAÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA (PT) tem as seguintes posições: Neutra, 100V, 115V, 19.1 CARACTERÍSTICAS DO 130V, 200V e 230V. Consulte a figura. EQUIPAMENTO Quando o Dispositivo de Amostragem é entregue, o selector encontra-se na posição neutra e não está...
FIAstar 5000 segurança que não sejam as autorizadas pela FOSS Analytical AB FIAstar 5012, RS232 violam a garantia. A FOSS Analytical Scaba 5610 e 5611 AB não se responsabiliza por quaisquer danos, materiais ou RS232 FIAstar 5000, pessoais, que resultem de tais acções.
5027 Sampler 19.3.5 Funcionamento Utilize a tabela na secção 19.3.3 Definir a Configuração da Análise, para regular o interruptor de modo para a posição pretendida. Lembre-se de ligar novamente o dispositivo de amostragem para que uma alteração seja assumida. Normalmente, o software do PC dos vários sistemas de análise inclui um teste...
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5027 Sampler 20 SÄKERHETSINFORMATION (SE) Vid leverans är väljaren i positionen neutral och 20.1 UTRUSTNINGS MÄRK- inga säkringar sitter i. NING Varning! Obs! Koppla aldrig samplern till nätut- Denna utrustning får endast anslutas till skydds- taget utan att först ha valt rätt läge jordat uttag.
Aquatec 5400 Ändring, ombyggnad eller WineScan och RS232 användning av delar som inte FIAstar 5000 godkänts av FOSS Analytical AB gör garantin ogiltig. FOSS Analytical AB FIAstar 5012, Scaba RS232 har inget ansvar för utrustnings- eller 5610 och 5611 personskador till följd därav.