24 | English
example, do not perform measurements in a bathroom im-
mediately after the shower has been used.
Once ventilated, allow the room to reacclimatise a while until
it returns to the usual temperature.
The ambient temperature and relative humidity are meas-
ured directly on the measuring tool at the humidity and am-
bient temperature sensor (5). To achieve meaningful res-
ults, do not hold the measuring tool directly over or next to
sources of interference such as radiators or open liquids. Do
not cover the sensor (5) under any circumstances.
Make sure that a favourable measuring angle is used on re-
flective surfaces in order to ensure that the thermal radiation
reflected by other objects does not distort the result. For ex-
ample, the reflection of your body heat may interfere with
the measurement when measuring head-on from a perpen-
dicular position.
Setting the zoom level
For ongoing measurements and when rendering saved
screenshots, the image detail on the display can be shown at
3 different zoom levels: 0.5 m, 2 m and 5 m.
The zoom levels are optimised for the corresponding dis-
tance between the measuring tool and the object being
measured. At a measuring distance of 2 m, the zoom level
"2 m" renders the (typically) best image detail.
The indicator for the current zoom level (d) is shown on the
display. To increase the zoom level, press the "Zoom in" (up)
arrow button (16); to decrease the zoom level, press the
"Zoom out" (down) arrow button (13).
Due to the parallax, the measuring frame (b) only corres-
ponds to the measuring range if the selected zoom level cor-
responds to the actual measuring distance.
Illuminating the area you are measuring
When measuring in dark areas, you can switch on the
light (24) to improve the display of the screen content. This
can help you to achieve a better result when saving screen-
Press the button (14) to switch the light (24) on or off.
To save energy, the light switches off automatically when the
brightness of the display lighting is reduced. You can change
how long the display stays lit in the <Light Duration> menu
(see "<Light Duration>", page 27). The light is not auto-
matically switched on when the display lighting is switched
back on.
For energy saving reasons, the light is not available when the
battery pack's state of charge is in the critical range.
Measuring functions
Switching Between Individual Modes
Select the required mode with the right (11) or left (15) ar-
row buttons (the mode is displayed with a short explana-
tion). To hide the explanation early, press the save
button (9). To hide the explanation and immediately start a
measurement, press the measure button (4).
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Surface temperature mode
Surface temperature mode is used to measure the surface
temperature of objects.
In this mode, you can, for example, check radiators or look
for overheated machine parts.
You start the measurement by pressing the measure
button (4). The measured values shown on the display are
continuously being updated. As soon as you let go of the
measure button (4), the measurement is interrupted and the
lasers are switched off. On the display, the last measure-
ment results are fixed on the (n) indicator. The last meas-
ured surface temperature is displayed with the marking (p)
on the result scale (k).
Once the difference between the measurements taken is
more than 3 °C, the minimum and maximum temperatures
measured during the process will appear on the display (j).
This enables you to tell how high the current measured value
is in relation to the temperatures already measured.
Thermal bridge mode
The measuring tool can support you in detecting thermal
bridges (see "Thermal bridge", page 28).
Before measurement can be started, the external temperat-
ure must first be set. To do so, open the <Main Menu> (see
"Navigating in the <Main Menu>", page 27). Select
the <Thermal Bridge> submenu and set the current ex-
ternal temperature. You start the measurement by pressing
the measure button (4).
Taking into account the internal ambient temperature and
the external temperature, you can determine whether the
surface temperature meets the minimum requirements of
the heat shield. If the surface temperature falls below the
minimum requirements, a structural defect is assumed and a
thermal bridge warning given.
Once the measurement has been taken, the surface temper-
ature of the object you last measured is fixed on the
display (n), as is the ambient temperature (h). The calcu-
lated f
value (see "Thermal bridge", page 28) and its es-
timated tolerance are shown on the display (v).
The measuring tool displays the interpretation of the values
with the marking (p) on the result scale (k):
– Marking (p) in the green range (f
ing tolerance): No thermal bridge
– Marking (p) in the yellow range (borderline f
0.7): A thermal bridge may be in the measuring range.
Measurement should be repeated under favourable envir-
onmental conditions (e.g. at a lower external temperat-
– Marking (p) in the red range (f
ing tolerance): A thermal bridge is probably in the meas-
uring range.
Dew point mode
The measuring tool can support you in detecting places at
risk of damage from mould.
The dew point temperature (see "Dew point temperature",
page 29) is calculated from the additionally measured am-
bient temperature and relative air humidity (see "Relative
value over 0.7, includ-
value of
value under 0.7, includ-
Bosch Power Tools