9. At this moment, the pressure of the resin inside the flask is such that it not only completely fills any
cavity, but also makes it difficult to unscrew the syringe from the flask; for this reason it has been
equipped with a key that allows, without wasting time, unscrewing the syringe and filling the
remaining flanged flasks.
10. When the syringe is removed from the thread, the resin will tend to come out through the same hole.
Now we must insert the stopper of the flask in the place of the syringe. While screwing thoroughly
you will see that the resin threads continue to come out from the opposite side of the flask, indicating
this a perfect execution of the filling operation.
11. Proceed to polymerize and execute all successive operations as usual. Once the finished work, you
can see a particularly clean prosthesis, very easy to deburr, polish and polish, without forgetting the
undoubted improvements obtained in the physical characteristics of the prosthesis due to molecular
compaction and the absence of porosities or savings substantial time. In addition, we want to
emphasize the absolute elimination of the annoying prominences or elevations of mastication
The pressure exerted by the piston inside the syringe pushes the resin gradually into ever narrower
sections, so that any cavity in the hard plaster is necessarily filled, before the resin comes to discharge the
pressure through the holes of download.
In short, there is a continuous and gradual decrease in the section through which the resin passes,
according to the following measures:
Inner diameter of the syringe barrel .......................................... 24 mm
Diameter in the cap of the siringe ............................................... 4 mm
Diameter channels from syringe to prosthesis ................... 2 x 2.5 mm
Diameter channels discharge behind the prosthesis........... 2 x 2.5 mm
• If a plaster / plaster mixture is normally used, it is not necessary to change the habits, although it
should be taken into account that using gypsum lasts an exceptional finish.
• Use any type of acrylic or methacrylic resin to polymerize hot, preferably the one that is known and
handled well.
• Number of casting and unloading channels to be made:
- In partial or total inferior prostheses: 1 injection and 1 discharge, making the entry on a retromolar
and the exit at the opposite end of the prosthesis.
- In complete lower prostheses with a particularly high gingival crest, use a traditional system, since
in some area a bubble may form in which the air is not replaced by the resin. Only with the
experience that gives the practice can these cases be overcome, on the other hand, rare if soft resin
is used.
NOTE: In any case, this system is an integral evolution of the traditional system and therefore allows to
fill the flasks of resin by the classical method when you doubt the perfect filling of the flask (opening the
flask, removing the syringe and placing the cap in its place).
The flange does not require special maintenance: