Descale ............................................................ 10
Auto-off ............................................................ 11
Energy Saving .................................................. 11
Install filter ....................................................... 11
Replacing the filter ........................................... 11
Default values (reset) ....................................... 11
Statistics function ............................................ 11
MAKING COFFEE ................................12
Selecting the coffee taste ................................. 12
Selecting the quantity of coffee in the cup ...... 12
Customizing the "my coffee" quantity ............. 12
Adjusting the coffee mill .................................. 12
Tips for a hotter coffee ..................................... 13
Making coffee using coffee beans .................... 13
Making coffee using pre-ground coffee ........... 13
MAKING CAPUCCINO ..........................13
Cleaning the cappuccino maker after use. ........ 14
HEATING WATER ................................14
CLEANING ........................................14
Cleaning the coffee maker ................................ 14
Cleaning the coffee grounds container ............. 15
Cleaning the drip tray and condensate tray ...... 15
Cleaning the inside of the coffee maker ........... 15
Cleaning the water tank .................................... 15
Cleaning the coffee spouts ............................... 15
Cleaning the pre-ground coffee funnel ............. 15
Cleaning the infuser ......................................... 15
DESCALE .........................................16
SETTING WATER HARDNESS ..................17