3833 SALA Way
Red Wing, MN 55066-5005
Toll Free: 800-328-6146
Phone: (651) 388-8282
User InstrUctIon ManUal eMbedded concrete anchorage connector
This manual is intended to meet the Manufacturer's Instructions as required by ANSI-Z359.1 and should be used as
part of an employee training program as required by OSHA.
WarnIng: This product is part of a personal fall arrest or restraint system. These instructions must be provided to
the user of this equipment. The user must read and understand these instructions before using this equipment. Users
must follow the manufacturer's instructions for each component of the system. Manufacturer's instructions must be
followed for proper use and maintenance of this equipment. Alterations or misuse of this product, or failure to follow
instructions, may result in serious injury or death.
IMPortant: If you have questions on the use, care, or suitability of this equipment for your application, contact DBI-SALA.
IMPortant: It is the responsibility of the sellor to ensure that these instructions are in the language of the country it is to be sold.
PURPOSE: The embedded concrete anchorage connector is designed as a temporary anchorage connector for a personal
fall arrest or restraint system. The D-ring and Web Connecting Single Loop anchorage connectors are designed for single use
and the D-ring Double Loop anchorage connector is designed to be reused once after initial installation. See Figure 1. Do not
hang, lift, or support tools or equipment from this equipment. When the anchorage connector is used as a component of a
personal fall arrest system (PFAS), it typically includes a full body harness and a connecting subsystem (energy absorbing
lanyard). Maximum permissible free fall is 6 ft. (1.8 m) (ANSI Z359.1) or 4 m (EN355). When the anchorage connector
is used as a component of a restraint system, it must be rigged to prevent the user from reaching a fall hazard. Restraint
systems typically include a full body harness and a lanyard or restraint line. No vertical free fall is permitted.
LIMITATIONS: Consider the following limitations before using this product: This anchorage connector is designed for use
by persons with a combined weight (clothing, tools, etc.) of no more than 310 lbs. (141 kg). No more than one personal
protective system may be connected at one time. Restraint systems must be rigged so that no vertical free fall is possible.
Personal fall arrest systems used with this equipment must be rigged to limit the free fall to 6 ft. (1.8 m) (ANSI Z359.1) or
4 m (EN355). See the personal fall arrest system manufacturer's instructions for more information. There must be sufficient
clearance below the user to arrest a fall before the user strikes the ground or other obstruction. See Figure 2. The clearance
required is dependent on the following factors: Elevation of anchorage connector, connecting subsystem length, deceleration
distance, movement of harness attachment element, worker height, and free fall distance. See the personal fall arrest system
manufacturer's instructions for more information. Swing falls occur when the anchorage point is not directly above the point
where a fall occurs. See Figure 3. The force of striking an object in a swing fall may cause serious injury or death. Minimize
swing falls by working as close to the anchorage point as possible. Do not permit a swing fall if injury could occur. Swing falls
will significantly increase the clearance required when a self retracting lifeline or other variable length connecting subsystem
is used. Use of this equipment in areas with environmental hazards may require additional precautions to prevent injury to
the user or damage to the equipment. Hazards may include, but are not limited to; heat, chemicals, corrosive environments,
high voltage power lines, gases, moving machinery, and sharp edges. Contact DBI-SALA if you have questions about using this
equipment where environmental hazards exist. This equipment must be installed and used by persons trained in its correct
application and use. See section 4.0.
APPLICABLE STANDARDS: Refer to national standards, including ANSI Z359.1, local, state, and federal and EU standard EN795 Class A
requirements for more information on personal fall arrest systems and associated components.
sYsteM reQUIreMents
COMPATIBILITY OF COMPONENTS: DBI-SALA equipment is designed for use with DBI-SALA approved components and subsystems only.
Substitutions or replacements made with non-approved components or subsystems may jeopardize compatibility of equipment and may effect the
safety and reliability of the complete system.
COMPATIBILITY OF CONNECTORS: Connectors are considered to be compatible with connecting elements when they have been designed
to work together in such a way that their sizes and shapes do not cause their gate mechanisms to inadvertently open regardless of how they
become oriented. If the connecting element that a snap hook or carabiner attaches to is undersized or irregular in shape, a situation could occur
where the connecting element applies a force to the gate of the snap hook or carabiner. This force may cause the gate (of either a self-locking
or a non-locking snap hook) to open, allowing the snap hook or carabiner to disengage from the connecting point. Contact DBI-SALA if you have
any questions about compatibility. Connectors (hooks, carabiners, and D-rings) must be capable of supporting at least 5,000 lbs. (22.2 kN). Connectors must be
compatible with the anchorage or other system components. Do not use equipment that is not compatible. Non-compatible connectors may unintentionally disengage.
Connectors must be compatible in size, shape, and strength. Self-locking snap hooks and carabiners are required by ANSI Z359.1 and OSHA. In Europe connectors
must conform to EN362.
MAKING CONNECTIONS: Use only self-locking snap hooks and carabiners with this equipment. Use only connectors
that are suitable to each application. Ensure all connections are compatible in size, shape, and strength. Do not use
equipment that is not compatible. Ensure all connectors are fully closed and locked. DBI-SALA connectors (snap hooks
and carabiners) are designed to be used only as specified in each product's user instructions. See Figure 4. DBI-SALA
snap hooks and carabiners should not be connected:
A. To a D-ring to which another connector is attached.
B. In a manner that would result in a load on the gate.
note: Large throat opening snap hooks should not be connected to standard size D-rings or similar objects which will result
in a load on the gate if the hook or D-ring twists or rotates. Large throat snap hooks are designed for use on fixed structural
elements such as rebar or cross members that are not shaped in a way that can capture the gate of the hook.
C. In a false engagement, where features that protrude from the snap hook or carabiner catch on the anchor, and
without visual confirmation seems to be fully engaged to the anchor point.
D. To each other.
E. Directly to webbing or rope lanyard or tie-back (unless the manufacturer's instructions for both the lanyard and connector specifically allow such a connection).
F. To any object which is shaped or dimensioned such that the snap hook or carabiner will not close and lock, or that roll-out could occur.
PERSONAL FALL ARREST SYSTEM: Personal fall arrest systems used with this equipment must meet applicable state, federal, OSHA, and ANSI requirements. A full
body harness must be worn when this equipment is used as a component of a personal fall arrest system. As required by OSHA, the personal fall arrest system must
be capable of arresting the user's fall with a maximum arresting force of 1,800 lbs. (8 kN) or in EU 1,350 lbs. (6kN) per EN355, and limit the free fall to 6 ft. (1.8 m),
4 m in EU or less. If the maximum free fall distance must be exceeded, the employer must document, based on test data, that the maximum arresting force will not
be exceeded, and the personal fall arrest system will function properly. In Europe Sala EN355 lanyards are recommended to limit the arresting force to 1350 lb (6kN).
ANCHORAGE STRUCTURE: This equipment is intended to be installed on structures capable of meeting the anchorage strength requirements specified below.
ANCHORAGE STRENGTH: The anchorage strength required is dependent on the application. Following are anchorage strength requirements for specific applications:
A. FALL ARREST: The structure to which the anchorage connector is attached must sustain static loads applied in the directions permitted by the fall arrest system
of at least: 3,600 lbs. (16.0 kN) with certification of a qualified person, or 5,000 lbs. (22.2 kN) without certification. See ANSI Z359.1 for certification definition.
When more than one personal fall arrest system is attached to an anchorage, the strengths stated above must be multiplied by the number of personal fall
arrest systems attached to the anchorage.
Northern Europe
260 Export Boulevard
Manor Park, Runcorn,
Mississauga, Ontario L5S 1Y9
Cheshire WA7 1st
Toll Free: 800-387-7484
Tel: 01928 571324
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Fax: 01928 571325
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Instructions for the following
series products:
Embedded Concrete Anchorage Connector
Model Numbers:
Figure 1 - Embedded Concrete Anchor Connectors
Wear Sleeve
Web Loop
Web Loops
Wear Sleeves
Web Loop
Web Loop
Wear Sleeve
Figure 2 - Fall Clearance
6 ft. (ANSI) or
4 m (CE)
Figure 3 - Swing Falls
Figure 4 - Inappropriate Connections