Inner Seal
Remove retainer seal (12) rotating member and spring
from rotor shaft. Press stationary from seal housing (15)
with flat screwdriver. Examine all seal parts. Inspect con-
tact faces for signs of uneven wear tracks on stationary,
chips and scratches on either seal face.
DO NOT interchange new and old seal components,
replace the entire shaft seal (12).
Using a bearing puller or arbor press remove bearing (17)
from shaft. Remove upper motor bearing from shaft with
a bearing puller.
IMPORTANT! - All parts must be clean before
reassembly. Handle seal parts with extreme
care. DO NOT damage lapped surfaces.
Be careful not to damage the rotor shaft when replacing
bearing. Using an arbor press, hold the rotor and press
the upper bearing (19) on the rotor shaft, applying force
to the inner race of the bearing only. In the same manner
replace lower bearing (17) onto rotor shaft.
Inner Seal
Clean and oil seal cavity in seal housing (15). Lightly oil
(Do not use grease) outer surface of stationary member.
Press seal's (12) stationary member firmly into seal hous-
ing (15), using a seal tool or pipe. Nothing should come
in contact with the seal face except the seal tool. Be sure
the stationary is in straight. Place seal's retaining ring (14)
and spring over shaft until seated. Slide a bullet tool over
rotor shaft threads.
Lightly oil (Do not use grease) shaft, bullet, and inner
surface of bellows on rotating member, slide rotating
member over bullet and onto shaft until it engages spring.
Make sure spring is seated in retaining ring and spring is
lined up on rotating member and not cocked or resting
on bellows tail. Compress spring and install retaining ring
Seal Housing
Lubricate and set o-ring (13) in place on seal plate (10).
Place seal plate (10) over shaft and onto seal housing
(15), being sure o-ring (13) is not twisted and in the
groove. Place four capscrews (8)through holes in seal
housing and into seal plate and torque to 6.5 ft/lbs.
Outer Seal
Clean and oil stationary seal cavity in seal plate. Slide
seal guide tool over motor shaft. Lightly oil (Do not use
grease) outer surface of seal's (12) stationary member.
Press stationary firmly into seal plate using a seal pusher
tool. Be sure the stationary member is in straight. Noth-
ing but the seal tool is to come in contact with seal face.
Grinder Pumps
Models: AGP300, AGP500 & AGP750
With lapped surface of rotating member facing inward
toward stationary, slide rotating member onto shaft, until
lapped faces of stationary and rotating seal are together.
Place spring over shaft and rotating member. Be sure it
is seated on the retainer and not cocked or resting on
bellows tail.
Place impeller (9) on motor shaft by turning clockwise
while holding shaft stationary with screwdriver.
Shredding Ring
Install shredding ring (6) into volute and install cover (4)
with cap screw (3).
Place volute (7) on seal plate (10). Place hex nut (11)
through seal plate (10) and into volute (7) and torque
evenly to 11 ft/lbs.
Place anti-seize compound on cutter threads. Screw
radial cutter (5) onto shaft, turning it clockwise while
holding the shaft stationary with a screwdriver. The radial
cutter (5) should be flush with shredding ring (6), on suc-
tion side to within ± .020. Place washer (2) on screw (1),
apply green Loctite on threads and place into shaft and
Carefully check that rotating cutter rotates smoothly. If
resistance is felt, loosen cap screws (3) and adjust cover
(4) so that cutter clearance is set to minimize friction.
IMPORTANT ! Do not hammer on the seal
pusher. It will damage the seal face.
Cutter edges are very sharp. Extreme
caution must be used when checking
cutter rotation.