Once these settings have been defined, the control unit and sensors must be paired.
The end customer's email address must be entered if you wish them to receive the warranty
document automatically.
Once the information has been entered, the warranty document is generated automatically and is
sent to the Ventilairsec Group, to your company and the end customer (if their email address has
been entered).
Commissioning of the VMI® is complete.
By logging in to the VMI® LINK PRO app again, users can change the installation settings, add sensors
and access maintenance details.
3 - The maximum target flow rate is then extrapolated from these two
inputs and may not exceed 800 m
4 – The setpoint temperature (OFF, or from 12 to 18°C)
5 – If BMS communications are used, the MODBUS RTU connection must be
configured after entering the VMI® settings. This means that the MODBUS
RTU protocol configuration settings are known at installation. These
settings can be obtained from the BMS manager:
4a – Network address (1 to 247)
4b – Baud rate
4c – Parity bit
To do this, simply add a device.
Scan the QR code on the device to be added.
Enter the room where the device is installed.
Sensors can be added after installing the VMI® system. To do so, simply log
in to the VMI® unit again via the VMI® LINK PRO app, select the SENSOR tab
and follow the procedure described above.
Once the devices have been added, enter information about the end
customer to create the warranty document.
/h (or 1,000 m
/h if a BMS controls the