approved components and subsystems. Non-approved components may be incompatible, and could affect the
safety and reliability of the complete system.
PERSONAL FALL ARREST SYSTEM CONNECTORS: Connectors used to attach to the attachment O-ring on the
horizontal lifeline (hooks, carabiners, D-rings) must support at least 22.2 kN. Connectors and attachment ele-
ments must be compatible in size, shape, and strength. Non-compatible connectors may unintentionally disengage
(roll-out). Do not use non-locking connectors with this system.
ANCHORAGE CONNECTORS: Connectors used to attach the horizontal lifeline to end anchors must be compat-
ible with the connection point. The connection must be positive; and, with connecting elements, capable of sus-
taining a 22.2 kN load without failure.
STRUCTURE LOAD: Structural anchorage points must be rigid, and capable of supporting at least 16 kN along the
axis of the horizontal lifeline. Anchorages must also support at least 16 kN applied in all potential directions of fall ar-
rest that are perpendicular to the axis of the horizontal lifeline.
WARNING: Anchorages must be rigid. Large deformations of the anchorage will affect system performance,
and may increase the required fall clearance below the system, which could result in serious injury or death.
Connecting Subsystem: The connecting subsystem is the portion of the personal fall arrest system that is used
to connect between the horizontal lifeline subsystem and harness fall arrest attachment element. The connecting
subsystem must limit forces applied to the horizontal lifeline to 4 kN or less.
BEFORE EACH USE inspect this equipment. Do not use this equipment if inspection reveals an unsafe or defec-
tive condition. Plan your use of the fall protection system prior to exposing workers to dangerous situations. Con-
sider all factors affecting your safety before using this system. Read and understand all manufacturer's instructions
for each component of the personal fall arrest system. All Capital Safety harnesses and connecting subsystems are
supplied with separate user instructions. Keep all instructions for future reference.
Review these instructions to ensure system limitations and other requirements have been adhered to. Review ap-
plicable information regarding system clearance criteria, and ensure changes have not been made to the system
installation (i.e. length) or occurred at the job site that could affect the required fall clearance.
Do not use the system if changes are required.
WARNING: Do not alter or intentionally misuse this equipment. Consult Capital Safety when using this equipment
in combination with components or subsystems other than those described in this manual. Some subsystem
and component combinations may interfere with the operation of this equipment. Use caution when using this
equipment around moving machinery, electrical hazards, chemical hazards, and sharp edges.
WARNING: Consult your doctor if there is reason to doubt your fitness to absorb the impact from a fall arrest.
Age and fitness can affect your ability to withstand fall arrest forces. Pregnant women and minors must not use
this system.
SYSTEM INSTALLATION: Figure 1 shows a typical Web horizontal lifeline installation. When using an energy
absorbing lanyard to connect to the system, the end anchorages must be located at a height which will limit the
free fall to 2 m. When using a self retracting lifeline (SRL) to connect to the system, the end anchorages must be
located above the user. The SRL, when fully retracted, must be above the harness attachment level. The horizontal
lifeline system should be positioned at a level that will minimize free fall while allowing ease of use. The horizon-
tal lifeline should be positioned near the work location to minimize swing fall hazards. The connecting subsystem
length should be kept as short as possible to reduce the potential free fall and required clearance distance. Both
anchorages must be installed at approximately the same elevation, so that the horizontal lifeline system is not
sloped more than 5 degrees.
Determine the locations of the end anchorages and evaluate their strengths. Determine the span length and
evaluate the required clearance using Figures 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.
Figure 3 - Installing Tie-off Adapter to Vertical or Sloped Anchorage Structure
Vertical or sloped anchorage structure
Tie-off adaptor
Wrap tie-off adaptor twice around anchorage structure