to record a system exclusive memory dump. Once the
recorder is set to record, go to the menu selection in NA-
VIGATOR PLUS labeled "send memory file".
From there, use the + switch to select "send memory
file to MIDI port". Next press "enter" to start the trans-
mission. An encoded copy of the entire memory will be
transmitted to the MIDI out port. The time to send the
memory will vary depending on the amount of me-
mory currently in use. This will send a copy of the entire
memory including all fixture settings, scenes and shows
with all of their components.
To restore the memory using MIDI, set the MIDI recorder
to playback the system exclusive message to the MIDI
input on the NAVIGATOR PLUS. The MIDI port is always
listening for new messages unless the NAVIGATOR PLUS
is in record mode (record LED flashing). As soon as the
message is received the display will show "RECEIVING
FILE". The length of time it takes to update the memory
will vary depending on the amount of memory in use
at the time it was recorded. You do not have to call any
of the menu functions on the NAVIGATOR PLUS before
receiving the file. If any errors have been detected, NA-
VIGATOR PLUS will prompt you to retry. Check your con-
nections and try again.
You can use MIDI to transfer the memory from one NA-
VIGATOR PLUS to another.
The RS-232 port on the NAVIGATOR PLUS can be used to
connect to a personal computer in order to do memory
backups and software updates. It can also be used to
connect a mouse or trackball for controlling pan and
To connect to a PC you will need a serial lap link cable
also referred to as a null modem cable available at
any computer store. A lap link cable is normally used
to connect a laptop computer to a desktop computer
or to connect 2 computers together. A standard RS-232
cable will not work. Connect the RS-232 port on NAVI-
GATOR PLUS to one of the serial "COM" ports on your
PC. Some COM ports use a 25 pin connector and some
use a 9 pin. Most lap link cables come with both types
of connectors.
Once connected, you can use a PC running Windows
to backup or restore the memory and also to update
the software.
You can use the Windows accessory "Hyper Terminal".
Determine which of your COM ports is available on your
PC and connect it to the RS-232 port on the NAVIGATOR
PLUS as described in the previous section. COM 1 is so-
metimes used for the mouse on your PC so you will pro-
bably be using COM 2 to connect to NAVIGATOR PLUS.
If you have installed the SD Backup program, follow the
directions on the help file included with the program.
To use Hyper Terminal you must first configure it to work
with NAVIGATOR PLUS. Run Hyper Terminal by clicking
on "Start" in Windows then "Programs" then "Acces-
sories" then "Hyper
Terminal". If for some reason Hyper Terminal is not insta-
lled on your version of Windows, install it from your Win-
dows CD. Go to the control panel, select Add/Remove
Programs, select Windows Setup, and then select com-
munications. Follow the instructions.
PAG. 25
Once the Hyper Terminal folder is open, double click
on "Hypertrm.exe" or "Hypertrm" which will start the
Hyper Terminal program. You will be asked to choose a
name and an icon. Name it NAVIGATOR PLUS then pick
any icon then click on OK. Go to the bottom of the next
dialog box and choose "connect to" "Direct to COM 2".
Ignore the telephone number and other settings in this
box then click OK. In the next dialog box, set bits per
second to 19200, data bits to 8, parity to none, stop bits
to 1, flow control to none, then click OK. You will now be
running Hyper Terminal. One last item needs to
be set by clicking on "File" in the upper left corner of
the window, then "Properties", then the "settings" tab.
From the settings tab click on the box that says "ASCII
Setup". From that dialog box make sure the box labe-
led "send line ends with line feeds" is checked, you can
also leave the box labeled "wrap lines" checked but
leave all of the other boxes unchecked. Click OK and
you are done with setup. Close Hyper Terminal and you
will be prompted to save this Hyper Terminal setup. Click
yes to save it and you will return to the Hyper Terminal
folder. There should now be a program in the folder la-
may want to make a shortcut on your desktop if you
plan to use this with NAVIGATOR PLUS often. From this
point on, whenever you communicate with NAVIGATOR
PLUS using your PC, call this NAVIGATOR PLUS Hyper Ter-
minal configuration.
Once configured, you can use SD Backup or Hyper Ter-
minal to back up the NAVIGATOR PLUS memory and
save it on your hard disk. Connect the NAVIGATOR PLUS
to your PC as described in the previous paragraphs.
If you are using the SD Backup program, follow the ins-
tructions for "Receive File". To use Hyper Terminal, call
the version that you created as described in the pre-
vious section. Click on "Transfer" on the top menu bar
and select "Capture Text". A dialog box will appear
allowing you to select a folder and name for the bac-
kup file. Use a name like "SD2 backup1.txt". Click "Start"
and Hyper Terminal is now ready to receive the file from
Next, go to the menu selection on the NAVIGATOR
PLUS labeled "save memory file" and press the "en-
ter" switch. The display will read, "Save memory file to
computer port". Press "enter" to start the transmission
from NAVIGATOR PLUS. An encoded copy of the entire
memory will be transmitted to your PC. The time nee-
ded to send the memory file will vary depending on the
amount of memory currently in use. When the file trans-
fer is finished, NAVIGATOR PLUS will return to its startup
display and the numbers will stop scrolling in the Hyper
Terminal window. You can either close Hyper Terminal or
return to the "capture text" pull down menu and select
"stop", the file will automatically be saved.
Note: When creating additional memory backup files,
always start with a new text file. Hyper Terminal will not
write over an old file that has data in it but will add the
new data to the file giving you multiple memory dumps
in one file.
To copy a memory file from your PC back to NAVIGA-
TOR PLUS, first go to the menu selection in NAVIGATOR
PLUS labeled "load memory file". Press "enter" and the
display will read "Waiting for file from COM port". NA-
VIGATOR PLUS is now ready to receive the file from your
If you are using SD Backup, follow the instructions for